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list of navy frogmen

list of navy frogmen


Because of this, the following three Frogmen have earned their places on the list of Scandalous Navy SEALs.Although many SEALs have written about their experiences, the sensitive content in Higbie’s book led to his security clearance being downgraded from “top secret,” as well as his discharge being changed from “honorable” to “general.” Higbie’s recklessness only continued from there.After a failed congressional campaign in 2014, Higbie became a spokesperson for Great America, a political action committee who advocates for Trump.It was Higbie’s outspoken controversial comments in the years that he was a spokesman for the Great America PAC.In 2016, during an interview on FOX News, Higbie promoted the registry of all Muslims in America, citing the WWII internment of Japanese-Americans as evidence.If that wasn’t enough, Higbie publicly defended previous Trump advisor Steve Bannon from accusations of Anti-Semitism, misogyny, and racism.Erik Prince is probably the richest Navy SEAL to date, due to his creation of the highly profitable private contractor company Blackwater (now known as Academi).Blackwater played a major role in the way warfare is conducted today.Since the late 1990s, Blackwater has won governmental contracts to perform military operations overseas.For over a decade, Blackwater was mostly unknown to civilians, until, in 2007, a group of Blackwater contractors was charged with the murder of 14 Iraqi civilians.Prince denies the accusations, but over the years more incidents have surfaced shedding a negative light on the contracting group.Other incidents include more questionable killings of Iraqi soldiers and civilians, misfiled reports, and a lawsuit by families of fallen Blackwater contractors who claim that the company refused to provide the details of the deaths of their loved ones.At first look, Eric Greitens is an extraordinary veteran. Slabinski took out Taliban bunker after bunker, all the while calling in air support and reinforcements.Once he reached Roberts, he threw the man (who was KIA at this point) over his shoulder and waded through waist-deep snow firing his rifle single-handedly.Over the next fourteen hours, Slabinski provided medical aid and maintained tactical superiority, resulting in him being one of the most famous SEALs ever known.You can hear his full story directly from him in the Youtube video below:Petty Officer Danny Dietz was part of the famous four-man SEAL team portrayed in the 2014 film, Tragically, Dietz was one of the three Navy SEALs who didn’t survive—not including the sixteen special operators, eight of whom were also SEALs, who died while attempting to rescue Dietz’s team.Reportedly, Dietz’s team was on the trail of a high-level Taliban target when they were ambushed.The four-man SEAL team single-handedly held off hundreds of enemy combatants for hours.In addition to the multiple gunshot wounds each SEAL received, the team also fell from cliff edge after cliff edge while seeking cover. Mission Statement:. I guess mastering earth was just too easy for this Navy SEAL.Besides the fact that falsely claiming to be a Navy SEAL is unethical, men like Don Shipley have made such acts of stolen valor particularly dangerous.After serving 23 years in the Navy as a SEAL, Shipley has become an internet sensation due to his Youtube channel which features videos of Shipley and his wife, Dianne, confronting fake Navy SEALs.Shipley calls his videos “Phony Navy SEAL of the week” and, as the name implies, there are more than enough imposters out there to keep the Shipleys busy.While the FBI estimates that for every living SEAL there are 300 men claiming to be SEALs, Shipley, based on his personal interactions with hundreds of these fakers, estimates that number as significantly low.Instead, he estimates in somewhere in the realm of 1,000 for every living, breathing Navy SEAL.Even after retirement, Shipley unyielding service to honor the SEAL brotherhood easily earns him a place as one of the most famous Navy SEALs.When the Navy decided that it needed a special unit to lead direct action operations against a rising terrorist threat, they called on Navy SEAL Richard Marcinko.But even before the legendary Team 6, Marcinko gained a reputation as a world-class killer due to his two deployments as a SEAL to Vietnam.Marcinko played a vital role in the Tet Offensive in 1968 when he led a mission to rescue American nurses and a schoolteacher.Marcinko’s heroism in Vietnam led to his being the creator and first commander of SEAL Team 6 and, later, handpicking the members for the Navy’s Red Cell, a unit designed to evaluate the Navy’s security.In 1990, after retiring from over thirty years in the Navy, Marcinko and a few fellow Navy SEALs were indicted for acts of a conspiracy among other charges.Since getting out, Marcinko has written about being framed in his memoir, Marcinko made my famous Navy SEALs list before there even was a list!Navy SEAL William McRaven, though maybe not the most recognizable name on this list, might just be the most important.As the commander of the Joint Special Operations Command, McRaven organized Operation Neptune, the mission that took out Osama bin Laden.But McRaven’s career hasn’t always been behind the lines.

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