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HE 34

HE 34

by Admin
EL34 SE amps I've now got enough on my website. That's why I hesitated a bit with the release of this circuit. After some nice people, I had asked the plans available, the amplifier have rebuilt and are highly satisfied, nun doch die Veröffentlichung.Beim Entwurf dieser Schaltung habe ich mich strikt an das Monoblock Prinzip gehalten. Basically taken it are two amplifiers. Alles ist doppelt ausgeführt.DoppelnetzteilDer Trafo ist eine Sonderanfertigung von Gerd Reinhöfer. It provides all the voltages on separate windings (Monoblockprinzip). Each amplifier has its own filter chain. The UFK heating voltage was highly placed around with 6H8C (Russian 6SN7GT) to work. The Russian tubes often have problems with the Ufk if it is higher than 100V. then they produce strong ripple and are extremely microphonic. With the voltage divider R6 / 7, R2 / 3 Ufk is reduced to about 30V. Another special feature of the power supply is the delay. It ensures that delays the anode voltage is applied to the tubes, namely only when the tubes are heated. The delay time can be adjusted by a potentiometer. She is approx. 30 – 45 sec. usually. This approach protects especially the EL34. Very important is the connection of the shield winding of the transformer's is the mass of the amplifier

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