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How to Be an Antiracist

How to Be an Antiracist


If you haven’t attempted Stamped because it’s intimidating this might be a bSo great. His overnight change of heart opened up considerable possibilities, a movement with a more unified front. But never fear, readers are here! Racists are people who allow racist ideas to grow without opposition.

Welcome back.

Yes, there is a lot of effort to achieve well-founded definitions and principles about the many layers and dimensions of racism, but the narrative is well-leavened with vignettes from Kendi’s personal life.

Here he reflects on his own past, buying into racist ideas of laziness and lack of effort keeping Black people down in an inflamed and righteous sounding speech he made in high school.

Presenting an exciting collaboration between One World and Wix Playground Academy“What emerges from these insights is the most courageous book to date on the problem of race in the Western mind, a confessional of self-examination that may, in fact, be our best chance to free ourselves from our national nightmare.” “A boldly articulated, historically informed explanation of what exactly racist ideas and thinking are .

Some produce the Magna Carta and Shakespeare and others dissolve into violence and a failed state. I'd say that the discussions of tensions between African Americans and recent African migrants and the chapter on colorism would be of interest to a British reader.

He makes it clear that this issue of racism versus anti-racism is intersectional. Despite these self-evident facts, Ibram Kendi's [postmodern] foundational principle is that we must regard all cultures as equal.

There are some valuable ideas in this book, but it's not one I'll be recommending without some major caveats, especially to white folks new to anti-racism conversations. I actually also really liked the way Kendi traces his own evolution over time with regards to race and I think its quite helpful for making it easier for readers to engage with their own thinking on race without feeling the typical shame and defensive people can face when confronting their own ideology on race. Although I fully intend to buy a physical copy in order to tab it up for future reference as well.

Start by marking “How to Be an Antiracist” as Want to Read: You can fight racism by being the change you want to see, understanding microaggressions, speaking up against racist remarks in your own circles and listening to your black friends. I left that book seared and shaken. Published The fact that Carolyn read the book but dared to criticize it does not mean she didn't understand it. . This powerful book will spark many conversations.” “Ibram Kendi’s work, through both his books and the Antiracist Research and Policy Center, is vital in today’s sociopolitical climate. What an amazing human Kendi is. I n 2016, Ibram X. Kendi became the youngest person ever to win the National Book Award for Nonfiction. Anti-racists actively fight racist ideas.Kendi won the National Book Award for Nonfiction for Stamped from the Beginning—a history of racist ideas by progressive intellectuals including Frederick Douglass, and E.B. .

There were many aspects of his character that fascinate me. Despite these self-evident facts, Ibram Kendi's [postmodern] foundational principle Some cultures mandate that rape victims must be killed and adulterers stoned; that females shouldn't be educated, drive, or show their faces in public. With protests over George Floyd taking place as I type, this book could hardly be more timely.

His own colorism and acceptance of White notions of beauty.

Yes, there is a lot of effort to achieve well-founded definitions and principles about the many layers and dimensions of racism, but the narrative is well-leThe impetus for me to read this book was a book group I belong to on Goodreads which made a special focus for the month for readings on “Black Lives Matter.” “How to Be an Antiracist” as a title might be inviting for many but was off-putting to me. It seems to me like both are worth addressing.It´s not enough to just one deem oneself no racist, it´s the action, self-reflecting, changing habits, thoughts, ideologies, and activism that matters.It´s not enough to just one deem oneself no racist, it´s the action, self-reflecting, changing habits, thoughts, ideologies, and activism that matters.Someone lent this to me because they found it really useful and resourceful for thinking about antiracism especially in the context of doing organizing.
So while I think it's a really good book for anyone still trying to gleam out their own concepts of race and how to actively engage with racism, I didn't come away with that much reading this.

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