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techniques of balance of power

techniques of balance of power

The presence of the UN has made a big change in the structure and functioning of the international system. The small states or less powerful states are either spectators or the victims of the game. By the late eighties, communism collapsed in the Soviet Union as well as in East Europe, the communist bloc disintegrated, and ideological struggle lost its edge. 1, RF. As the balance of power is a technique of managing power, it can be denounced as irrelevant only after some other method of managing power has been found out. The concept of Balance of Power is based upon a narrow view of international relations. its contrib-utors—wohlforth, Kaufman, little, eckstein, Brenner, hui, Deudney, Jones, and Kang—survey a range of international systems, from the ancient Middle east to east asia between 1300 c e and 1900 c e. They Although Balance of Power has lost must of its relevance as a global level device of power management, it is still being used by the states of a region to maintain a balance in their power positions. “The idea of balance of power is still the central theoretical concept in international relation.” —Snyder, “The Structural changes in international politics of post-war period have not greatly affected the principle of Balance of Power. All these definitions clearly reflect that Balance of Power is defined differently by different scholars. The threat of war is of limited utility in the nuclear age due to the nuclear stalemate. “Whenever the term Balance of Power is used without qualification, it refers to an actual state of affairs in which power is distributed among nations with approximately equality” — Hans. The Balance of Power(BOP), indicator was developed by Igor Livshin and it was introduced in the August 2001 issue of Stocks and Commodities Magazine. Britain often used it to keep its large empire under control. With the coming of ideologies and greater economic interdependence, the balance of power has tended to become rigid. The side of the scale, which becomes higher at any given period. Alliances and Counter Alliances:. The (de)Limitations of Balance of Power Theory. In the twentieth century, Europe was divided into two camps, with the Triple Entente (1902) completion in opposition to the Triple Alliance (1882). One such device has been Balance of Power. The setting up of a buffer state has also operated as another device of the balance of power. The sixteenth-century facilitated an identifiable process of balance of power. Wide disparities can be seen among nations in the sphere of political, economic, and military power. 14.For detail, see C.P. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Some times during a war between two states no attempt is made by other states to intervene. The aim of power relation techniques is to exert special pressure on the opposing party in order to force them to change their behavior or to accept proposals made. Mayall, J. These have been traditionally used by nations pursuing the policy of a balance of power. It is also used at times as a propaganda ploy. The Same are discussed below. Louis Halle, John Morton Blum, and Reinhold Niebuhr have all treated power balance as a symbol of the realist philosophy. The big changes in the international system as well as in the balance of power system have made it almost an obsolete system. It really depends upon international consciousness and morality. J. Morgenthau. Normally, the balancer remains away from both the parties but if any party to the balance becomes unduly weak resulting into a threat to the balance, the balancer joins it and helps the restoration of balance. Otherwise, the balance of power is still relevant, although its relevance would depend on how far its mechanism is modified to suit the changed conditions. (6) A Source of Peace in International Relations: Finally, Balance of Power is always a source of peace and order in international relations. Baron J. Martin Wight, “The Balance of Power” in H. Butterfield and Martin Wight, ed., Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Politics (London, 1966). The power of balance also lies therein that media and society will no longer be able to influence and control you through emotional manipulation. It admits to the existence of some balancer state or states or an organization. Underlying Principal Assumptions and Postulates of Balance of Power: Role and Relevance of Balance of Power in International Relations. It is tough now for a state to observe any strict adherence to an alliance in an exclusive manner. But it is difficult to accept such assumptions today. Little, R. (2007) The Balance Of Power In International Relations: Metaphors, Myths And Models. Some Popular Definitions of Balance of Power: (1) “Balance of Power is such a ‘just equilibrium’ in power among the members of the family of nations as will prevent any one of them from becoming sufficiently strong to enforce its will upon others.” —Sidney B. Fay, (2) “Balance of Power is an equilibrium or a certain amount of stability in power relations that under favourable conditions is produced by an alliance of states or by other devices.” —George Schwarzenberger, (3) “Balance of Power is such a system in which some nations regulate their power relations without any interference by any big power. The Americans argued that if they did not move into the Indian Ocean, the vacuum would be filled by the Russians. The only test of a balance is war and when war breaks out the balance comes to an end. It is now lost much of its relevance in international relations. The seventeenth century, and during it, the Thirty Years War (16184648) provides, among other points of analysis, a perceptible analytical point about the balance of power. The balance of power has often been maintained by the method of alliances and counter alliances. The Balance of Power in World History (BoPinWH), by contrast, pres-ents a sustained broadside against balance of power theory. In brief, over the vacuum theory’s pretext, the US justified its entry into the region. This difficultly makes it essential for us to study the features of Balance of Power. So the traditional mechanism of the balance of power is not the only cause responsible for an increase of power. To use as a reference in my homework. THE BALANCE OF POWER Hans J. Morgenthau The aspiration for power leads of necessity to the balance of power and to policies that aim at preserving it. It aims merely at preventing the supposed preponderance of one power over another or acquiring preponderance of one power over another. 8, Dyke explains the prime object of balancing power is to establish or maintain such a distribution of power among states. 218-19. 7.C. The balance of power is essential to the maintenance of international law. Palmer and Perkins rightly observe. The use of propaganda and ideology as instruments of national policy has increased manifold. It is resorted to be all such nations who try to make or keep their competitors weak by keeping them divided or by dividing them. But finally, it proved stronger than collective security embodied in the League of Nations. Balance of power is not  “a gift of the gods” but an outcome of the men’s active intervention. “The trouble with Balance of Power is not that it has no meaning, but that it has too many meanings.” —Innis L. Claude Jr. Since Balance of Power postulates the presence of a number of major international actors (7 or 8 even more), it ensures multiplicity of nations and their active participation in preserving balance in international relations. However, despite this, the US Defense Department continued to increase its naval presence in the region. According to Kegley and Wittkopf in World Politics – Trends and Transformation, the balance of power theory in international relations suggests that national security is enhanced when military capability is distributed so that no one state is strong enough to dominate all others. It has to be achieved by the world states utilizing one or the other method. War is a situation which balance of power seeks to prevent and when it breaks out, balance power comes to an end. The Romans adopted it to keep their control over scattered peoples. In contrast, the balances were maintained in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which contained struggles between European powers. They can change their power from within by improving social organisation, by industrializing and by mobilizing internal resources. The balance of power is one of the oldest concepts of international relations. The policy of divide and rule has also been a method of balance of power. It was not successful in preserving the security of small states. It acts based on expediency and immediate gains. Britain was such a balancer during the ninetieth century. On the basis of above arguments, the critics of Balance of Power advocate its total rejection. As long as the multi nation-state system exists, the balance of power politics will continue to be followed by the nations’ practice. The three partitions of Poland (1772, 1793, 1795) provide an example of applying the balance of power. Palgrave Studies In International Relations. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. There are two other objective factors of the present international reality that prove a balance of power even in the days of bipolarism. However, an alliance among a group of nations, almost always, leads to the establishment of a counter alliance by the opponents. They are also designed to prevent a confrontation of Superpowers and thereby preserve a balance of power. The balance desired is the one that neutralizes other states, leaving the home state free to be the deciding force and the deciding voice.6. Pandey, S. (2009) Concept of Balance of Power in International Relations Web. Martin Wight, A.J.P. The following changes in the international relations as well as in the traditional balance of power system have adversely affected the role and relevance of Balance of Power as a device of power management in International politics. However, armament race between two competitors or opponents can lead to a highly dangerous situation which cans accidently cause a war. In the latter part of the 19th century, and after each of the two world wars of the 20th century, territorial compensation was used as a device for weakening the powers of the states whose actions had led to a violation of the balance. Though ideological considerations played l a significant role in the recent past for the last few years, its influence has been on the wane. The balance of power ensures peace of sorts between entities suspicious of one another and seeking to enhance their discrete national self-interest. Since the early sixties, the bipolar ism has been declining and multifarious again rising. The will of the Super Powers and other compelling circumstances determine their alignments. The BOP indicates measures a price trend by evaluating the strength of buyers vs. sellers by assessing how strongly price is pushed to extreme high and low levels. Britain, France, Germany, Japan, China, etc., have regained their lost power. It is one of the oldest term in international relations theory. The term balance of power refers to the distribution of power capabilities of rival states or alliance. Domestic measures needed for this purpose may also entail the introduction of compulsory military training and allotment of more money in the defense budget. Some major tools or techniques of achieving balance of power are elaborated as following; A. Alliances & Counter Alliances This is the chief way to maintain or bring balance of power. Inis L. Claude, Jr., Power, and International Relations (New York, 1962), p.11. Thus, it is tough to calculate precisely and pursue rationally a policy of balance of power over a considerable period of time. Keeping in view the rapidly changing world conditions. 1950), p. 103. The Second World War (1939-45) produced several structural changes in the international system as well as in the balance of power system. Neither a balance of power system nor its original contending powers can live long. The factors that testify to the relevance and existence of balance. It is also regarded as a universal law of political behavior, a basic principle of every state’s foreign policy through the ages, and, therefore, a description of a significant pattern of political action in the international field. The ideological considerations in world politics became so potent that it overshadowed nationalism. n. Distribution of power in which no single nation is able to dominate or interfere with others. The same concept applies to international relations. A regional type of balance of power such as NATO, SEATO, the Warsaw Pact, etc., revealed their existence. The impact of nuclear weapons has made the classical assumptions of the balance of power invalid. The same are as follows arms new Armament and Disarmament. In practice no two states have or can have equal power. In sum, the US made the Indian Ocean an American lake. Thus, the balance of power is the result of diplomatic activity, not of natural happening. In the 17th and 18th centuries this device was regularly used for maintaining a balance of power which used to get disturbed by the territorial acquisitions of any nation. The balance of power never aims at concluding treaties upon principles of justice. British intervention in Greece, the US intervention is Grenada, Nicaragua, Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, and (Erstwhile) USSR’s interventions in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Afghanistan can be quoted as examples of interventions carried out by the big powers. Even the staunch critics of Balance of Power like, Martin Wright and Friendrich admit that Balance of Power is still a basic element in international relations. The declining imperial powers Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, etc., were granted independence to their erstwhile colonies in post-World War II. The disparity in power between the Super Powers and other powers is so wide that each is mightier than any other power or possible grouping. It is wrong to ignore its current relevance as the long spell of peace at the center or global level is mainly caused by balance and deterrence. Copyright 10. This afforded a golden opportunity to the newly emerged Super Powers the USA, and the USSR, to provide them the necessary props in political support, economic and military aid. In his Essays and Treatise on Several Subjects, David Hume has maintained the Greek politics game as a distinct expression of the notion of the balance of power. Peace does not depend upon balance in power relations. Schleicher, n.2, p. 355. The nineteenth century (1815-1914) can be considered the second golden age of the classical balance of power. Under the impact of these changes, the Balance of Power system lost much of its relevance as a device of power management. 9.Vernon Van Dyke, International Politics (Bombay, 1966) p.221. It was argued above that owing to bi polarization, the balance of power became obsolete. It poses temptations to both parties to the balance, and each contending party tries to win over the support of the laughing third party—the balancer. It has definitely lost much of its relevance. After the collapse of Soviet power in the late eighties and the United States’ success in liberating Kuwait from Iraq, it is commonly believed that the only Super Power left in the world is the United States. It is used as a policy, as a system, as a status, and as a symbol. Thus as a status or condition, the balance of power has meant three things, namely, Thompson and Morgenthau have identified it as a policy. It usually entails the annexation or division of the... II. The principal actors, though differing in power, were still of the same order of magnitude. However, this does not mean that the balance of power has completely not in existence since 1945. That is why scholars define it as a just equilibriums or some sort of equilibrium in power relations. It assumes that states are naturally hostile political entities. Buffers, observes V.V. The Triple Entente countered the triple alliance of 1882 in 1907. Intervention is another commonly used device for keeping balance. Mills and Charles H. McLaughlin World Politics in Transition (New York, 1956), pp. (4) Guarantees the Freedom of Small States: Balance of Power ensures the preservation of small and weak states. Introduction to International Relations: Power and justice (New Delhi, 1986) Indian Reprint of 3rd and, p. 43. Presently unipolarity characterizes the international system. Because the balance of power was now bipolar and because of the great disparity of power between the two superpowers and all other nations, the European countries lost that freedom of movement that previously had made for a flexible system. On the contrary, it encourages war. It seems that the theory of balance of power cannot be applied in the present circumstances in the classical sense of the term. The balancer state is not a small, insignificant power, but in its own’ right it is a powerful one and the other contending powers try to cultivate such balancer. In the words of Morgenthau, “the alliances Francis concluded with Henry VIII and the Turks to prevent Charles V of Ha Hapsburg from stabilizing and expanding his empire are the first modern example on a grand scale of the balance of power.”20. This period witnessed the emergence of two Super Powers who strived to create their own Spheres of influence in different parts of the world and devised new techniques of balancing each other. theory of the balance of power, we have at least amassed an armory of empirically testable propositions. One of the techniques was filling the power vacuum. With the change of time and conditions, it also changes and gives way to another system of balance of power. However, it still retains a presence in international relations, more particularly, in the sphere of regional relations among states. Prohibited Content 3. Palmer and Perkins observe: in its heyday, it was a basic feature of the nation-state system. The United States coined it during the cold war days. Thus, central balance will generally be maintained in the future while periodic disturbances can occur in local balances. It was also contended that the bipolar system was itself a guarantee of peace. All nations, particularly very powerful nations, place great emphasis on armaments as the means for maintaining or securing a favourable position in power relations in the world. (2) Secondly, vital interests of the states are threatened. Balance of power makes it difficult for any power to become so powerful as to overwhelm the rest. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. For example, let us go into a period, between 1853 and 1858, Prussia in the 1870 – 1971, Franco-Prussian war and the emergence of Germany as a united nation changed the balance of power in Europe. This trend is slowly leading to the rise of an almost universal bilateral system, as against multilateral alliances. L. Oppenheim, International Law, Vol. In international relations, it refers to equilibrium among countries or alliances to prevent any one entity from becoming too strong and, thus, gaining the ability to … 22.See Richard N. Rosecrance, “Bipolarity, Multipolarity, and the Future,” in James N. Rosenau, ed., International Politics and Foreign Policy (New York, 1969), 2nd ed., p. 332. in the absence of a single centralized, legitimate, and strong authority over these sovereign actors. When this equilibrium is lost, the balance of the sewer fails. This method involves the redistribution of territory so that the international balance of power is not affected. The balance of power theory in international relations suggests that states may secure their survival by preventing any one state from gaining enough military power to dominate all others. In practice a balance of power always proves to be temporary and unstable. Whenever a state apprehends that the balance is being titled against it, it has to counter it quickly. 9, The concept of power assumes that through shifting alliances and countervailing pressures, no one power or combination of powers will be allowed to grow so strong as to threaten the rest’s security.10. In the inter-war period, the doctrine was still followed, though, in theory, it was incompatible with the concept of collective security. Traditionally, Britain used to play such a role in Europe. Therefore, any local conflict will tend to become a big or world war. The operation of the technique of alliances and counter alliances divides the world into rival camps, inflicted by mistrust and suspicion. As politicians never accept a real equilibrium of forces but always look ahead to a favorable balance in terms of the bank balance, they are regularly engaged in a struggle to improve their power position. Nations are not static units. The strange Alliance of the Second World War was a reaction against the Axis powers. There need not be a single system; instead, there may be many subsystems or local balances of power within a system. In this process they maintain a sort of equilibrium in their power relations and do not permit any state to violate the Balance. With its emphasis on the cultivation of power and the utilization of power for resolving the problem of power, it appears to be a sensible way of action in an international society where their national interests and prejudices govern nations. Since the evaluation of the national power of a nation is always uncertain, no nation can afford dependence upon the balance of power. It still holds good in respect of regional relations among nations.” —Arnold Wolfers. Original Articles. It is situated between two powerful neighbors. There are so many similar examples. amzn_assoc_linkid = "f197d8de0e70feae1546a5125ff06c2d"; Broadly speaking, it refers to a relative power position of states as actors in international relations. The rise of unipolarity after 1991, involving the presence of only one super power has now further reduced the chances for the emergence of a balancer in international relations. Both the superpowers have endeavored to create divisions in the opposite camp. All the major states were committed after the Second World War to one camp or another, and no single nation was strong enough to tip the balance between the two Super Powers. In all probability, they will continue to operate, even if effective supranational groupings, on a regional or world level, are formed.23. How different scholars have endeavored to define this concept is mentioned as under. Historians take the objective view while the statesmen take the subjective View. In practice, however, nations have mostly desired preponderance, not an equilibrium of power. This is done for making the two warring states weaker. It has been guiding the decisions and policies of nations. Therefore, it becomes a tough task to precisely explain the meaning of the term, which will be universally acknowledged at any given time. Amazon, the Amazon logo, Amazon Supply, and the Amazon Supply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. 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