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extricating young gussie

extricating young gussie

Jeeves takes charge and Extricating Young Gussie An excellent performance by David Thorn on this classic comic text. Take care of me.'. * Wilton's Holiday A man invents a tragic love affair to get attention. 'By Jove,' I said, for I am interested in this heredity stuff, 'perhaps the thing is going to be a regular family tradition, like you read about in books--a sort of Curse of the Mannering-Phippses, as it were. She is twenty-five years younger. Jeeves and Woosters first outing all the elements are there but not as smooth and defined as they become later. And, with decent luck, I saw myself leading Gussie on to the next England-bound liner and handing him over intact to Aunt Agatha. The characters first appeared together in the story ‘Extricating Young Gussie’, published in September 1915 in the Saturday Evening Post. 'Shall I come over?'. You go out of a barn and down some stairs, and there you are, right in among it. A kind of zip, as it were. I was sorry for the woman, for it must have been a shock to her to see her only son in a mauve frockcoat and a brown top-hat, but I thought it best to let her get a strangle-hold on the intricacies of the situation as quickly as possible. I always have said that you did the best back-fall in the profession. The change in Aunt Julia made me feel quite dizzy. When I've put you in touch with him I rather fancy my share of the business is concluded, and it's up to you.'. So well done, and so well articulated by the "Audible" reader. He's an old boy with eyebrows, and he's Exhibit C on my list. James Mustich's 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die is bound to seriously expand that list... To see what your friends thought of this book. The ingenious valet Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster must stop a marriage in “Extricating Young Gussie,” a … If you feel up to it perhaps you wouldn't mind tottering round to One Hundred and Thirty-third Street and having a chat with him. I went round to your hotel, but they said you weren't there. Typical of Wodehouse's writing style, this short story describes the adventure of a young English man sent by a very proprietary aunt to deal with a cousin entering into an undesirable relationship. And then they had got hold of each other's hands and were shaking them till I wondered their arms didn't come unscrewed. gelatine. I can't do better than that, and I wouldn't have done that if the little lady hadn't of kep' after me. What on earth are you doing? ', 'Because that is where your Cousin Gussie is. Celebrating 100 years of Bertie, Jeeves and Blandings by Aparna Narrain). A sort of fate, what? The ingenious valet Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster must stop a marriage in "Extricating Young Gussie," a romantic comedy by the masterly P. G. Wodehouse.Bertie Wooster's Aunt Agatha is at her wit's end. Nobody ever mentions it, and the family have been trying to forget it for twenty-five years, but it's a known fact that my Aunt Julia, Gussie's mother, was a vaudeville artist once, and a very good one, too, I'm told. It is comical and engaging, and maintains the long tradition of the upper class desperately trying to preserve their distance from the working classes, only to have the veil torn asunder. Fun little story about good old Bertie Wooster. It was before my time, of course, and long before I was old enough to take notice the family had made the best of it, and Aunt Agatha had pulled up her socks and put in a lot of educative work, and with a microscope you couldn't tell Aunt Julia from a genuine dyed-in-the-wool aristocrat. I could go on indefinitely about brutality and lack of consideration. As a further recommendation he states that she lifted them out of their seats at Mosenstein's last week. he cried. ‎"Extricating Young Gussie" is a short story by British comic writer P. G. Wodehouse, being the first appearance of two of his most popular characters, the ingenious valet Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster. L'Affaire Uncle John (A Story in Letters), Short stories published in The Strand Magazine, Short stories published in The Saturday Evening Post, https://wodehouse.fandom.com/wiki/Extricating_Young_Gussie?oldid=1851. But, Joe, you mustn't stand in the way of her marrying the man she's in love with. 'There's a great big choo-choo waiting at the deepo. I suppose'--old Danby's cheerfulness waned a trifle--'I suppose your husband is with you? * Extricating Young Gussie A Bertie and Jeeves story. At this juncture dear old Gussie broke off short, rose from his seat, and sprang with indescribable vim at an extraordinarily stout chappie who had suddenly appeared. 'Bertie,' he said, 'I feel as if I were dreaming.'. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. There in seven words you have a complete character sketch of my Aunt Agatha. She coached me for weeks, the darling. He's got it in him. She sprang it on me before breakfast. 'Come back to the hotel, Gussie,' I said. Booked solid! I was sorry for the wretched chap, of course, but there was no denying that the thing had its bright side. Unabridged - Duration: 6:42:22. I felt weak. It's easy to see that, twenty-five years ago, she must have been something quite extraordinary to look at. ', 'Gussie is making a perfect idiot of himself.'. 'You're here, kid,' said Old Danby, huskily. She had shed her _grande-dame_ manner completely, and was blushing and smiling. When did you arrive? That is why I have come to you.'. And we took the subway to where Gussie, the human film, was earning his thirty-five per. An aunt by marriage, Aunt Julia, the widow of Uncle Cuthbert, appears only in " Extricating Young Gussie " but is mentioned by Bertie occasionally. Well, I didn't know what it was all about, but I felt a bit out of it. Women adapt themselves so quickly! Extricating Young Gussie 1 First published in 1915, in The Saturday Evening Post (New York), this is the first Bertie story; it explains his residence in New York during the first four Jeeves stories, published in the early book we’re reading, My Man Jeeves. The ingenious valet Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster must stop a marriage in Extricating Young Gussie, a romantic comedy by the masterly P. G. Wodehouse. The old bean will stand a certain amount, but this was too much. Gussie has fallen in love with someone quite unsuitable in New York City. We’d love your help. I wanted you, Julie. Gussie plans to be on stage and falls in love with a singer. It can't have been half past eleven when Jeeves, my man, woke me out of the dreamless and broke the news: I thought she must be walking in her sleep, but I crawled out of bed and got into a dressing-gown. However, some instinct took me through a door at the back of the lobby, and I found myself in a large room with an enormous picture stretching across the whole of one wall, and under the picture a counter, and behind the counter divers chappies in white, serving drinks. Oh, Joe, you can't think how proud I was of him! ', 'Do you remember my giving you a seed-cake at Birmingham? He got through the song somehow and limped off amidst roars of silence from the audience. I was feeling like a badly wrapped brown-paper parcel. ', 'I've changed my name. She sprang it on me before breakfast. Well, you remember at Oxford I could always sing a song pretty well; so Ray got hold of old Riesbitter and made him promise to come and hear me rehearse and get me bookings if he liked my work. This is a short novella or a long short-story, just the right length for an airplane read. I dare say there are fellows in the world--men of blood and iron, don't you know, and all that sort of thing--whom she couldn't intimidate; but if you're a chappie like me, fond of a quiet life, you simply curl into a ball when you see her coming, and hope for the best. ', 'Of course I was fond of you. They were showing pictures when I reached my seat. She has an eye like a man-eating fish, and she has got moral suasion down to a fine point. Shall I ever forget the way you used to knock them with "Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay"? This short story is hilarious!!! 'What is this about Gussie? Aunt Julia was staring at him. I'm never at my best in the early morning. I'm told that way back in the nineties he only had two. You can't lose your way. Come back! When do you expect to go back to England? You are going to America because you are Gussie's cousin, because you have always been his closest friend, because you are the only one of the family who has absolutely nothing to occupy his time except golf and night clubs. ', 'Do you remember how we put it across at the Canterbury, Joe? He's one of those fellows who advertise each step up they take in the world by growing another chin. For a moment I thought of cabling Aunt Agatha to come over, but reason told me that this would be overdoing it. 'Twenty-five years! ', 'You never ought to have married out of the profession, Julie. And, worst of all, she bosses me. Answers: 2 on a question: From EXTRICATING YOUNG GUSSIE by P. G. Wodehouse She sprang it on me before breakfast. She alluded to Gussie's governor, the late head of the family, and I am bound to say she spoke the truth. In the midst of my agony I caught sight of Gussie. When she came to the end of the refrain, he took it up, and they sang it together, and the end of it was that he went off the popular hero. Do you remember my giving you a bag of buns when we were on the road at Bristol? Wodehouse - The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories (1917) Audiobook. ', 'With luck,' I said, 'in about ten years.'. I had breakfast three hours ago, and have been walking in the park ever since, trying to compose my thoughts.'. Extricating Young Gussie is a short story by British comic writer P. G. Wodehouse (–), being the first appearance of two of his most popular characters. She looked most awfully pretty; and altogether the act was, broadly speaking, a pippin. Mrs Mannering-Phipps, my aunt Julia, is, I think, the most dignified person I know. Extricating Young Gussie, Part One. I can't express it better than by saying that the thought uppermost in my mind, as I walked about the place they call Times Square, was that there were three thousand miles of deep water between me and my Aunt Agatha. What was the next step? I could go on indefinitely about brutality and lack of consideration. You will scarcely believe me, but the management expected Gussie to show up and start performing at one o'clock in the afternoon. 'Yes, Joe. They kept telling me I had got to put it across, no matter what it cost, so that he wouldn't be ashamed of me. If you see a fat man with about fifty-seven chins come out of that door there grab him, for that'll be Abe. He's my son and he's in the profession! (Found online free). It helped to get pep into the thing. She risked being late, just to come and see me through. EXTRICATING YOUNG GUSSIE She sprang it on me before breakfast. If you hunt for a needle in a haystack you don't find it. ', 'Joe, tell me, why did you leave England? Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, KBE, was a comic writer who enjoyed enormous popular success during a career of more than seventy years and continues to be widely read over 40 years after his death. Bertie's imperious Aunt Agatha also appears. Heredity, and so forth. Mr Riesbitter mused for a moment and shelled the cuspidor with indirect fire over the edge of the desk. I look round me, and everything seems to be absolutely corking. I don't quite know what I had expected her to do, but I certainly didn't expect her to sit there without a word. ', 'Well, you see, as I was telling you when Abe came in, Ray's father used to be in the profession. I was just condoling with him, when I found that he was taking it for granted that I should be there at one o'clock, too. The old boy would say, 'Unhand my daughter'. And you are going to America to stop him. 'Ray and I got back to her flat this evening. Why did you cable for me, Bertie? I'm the happiest man in New York. Love Wodehouse. He would have to leave the profession. Yet, twenty-five years ago, so I've been told by old boys who were lads about town in those days, she was knocking them cold at the Tivoli in a double act called 'Fun in a Tea-Shop', in which she wore tights and sang a song with a chorus that began, 'Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay'. Beechwood requires a great deal of keeping up, and poor dear Spencer, though he does his best to help, has not unlimited resources. ', 'My husband died a long, long while ago, Joe. Delightfully funny short story. 'Joe, you aren't going to tell me you were fond of me yourself! I say 'too', but it wasn't really too, because her first note stopped Gussie dead, as if he had been pole-axed. She got straight to the point within five minutes of our meeting. Love his writing and his humor. The effects of the restoratives supplied by my pal at the hotel bar were beginning to work off, and I felt a little weak. Not much of Jeeves in this one, for those who read the stories for Jeeves' silent unknotting. The difference between the two is that Aunt Agatha conveys the impression that she considers me personally responsible for all the sin and sorrow in the world, while Aunt Julia's manner seems to suggest that I am more to be pitied than censured. You gotta lot to learn, but it's in you. And now, as you heard him say, he's booked me in the small time at thirty-five dollars a week.'. ', 'And as you say, idiotic gambling in low dens. The fact seemed to give it sacred associations for him. He is in New York, and I can't get at him. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Having become too involved, your Aunt comes over to straighten things out. There in seven words you have a complete character sketch of my Aunt Agatha. Saturday Evening Post, September 18, 1915; The Strand, January 1916. She was sitting hand in hand with old Danby. The early fall,' said Gussie, who is a bit of a poet in his way, 'is vaudeville's springtime. In the tramcars they were absolutely standing on each other's necks. I'm not equal to this sort of thing at such short notice. 'Now, let me tell ya something,' he said to Gussie. It had taken a lot of careful handling to bring him up to scratch. Suppose we look in at the Auditorium for a few minutes.'. Its a bit like reading the first asterix comic when the drawings by underzo were all over the place, but by the end of the book the style has settled into its familiar later form. Wodehouse "Extricating Young Gussie" STUDY. ', 'Well, you try calling yourself Augustus Mannering-Phipps over here, and see how it strikes you. ', 'I'll take it,' said Gussie, huskily. Suddenly the lights did go up, and the orchestra began to play a tune which, though I haven't much of an ear for music, seemed somehow familiar. I should think Queen Elizabeth must have been something like her. She was playing in pantomime at Drury Lane when Uncle Cuthbert saw her first. Wodehouse. Now that I've got through the first show I shall be all right.'. 'Yes, America. The other song that he intended to sing was one of those moon songs. The ingenious valet Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster must stop a marriage in "Extricating Young Gussie," a romantic comedy by the masterly P. G. Wodehouse.Bertie Wooster's Aunt Agatha is at her wit's end. ', 'Watch this act and tell me what you think of it. All over the country, as August wanes, sparkling comediennes burst into bloom, the sap stirs in the veins of tramp cyclists, and last year's contortionists, waking from their summer sleep, tie themselves tentatively into knots. ', THE CHAPPIE (conceding a point): 'Now, I live at Yonkers.'. ', 'Gussie, old top,' I said, 'leave me for a while. 'It's twenty-five years since I was in a music-hall!'. 'We will now, if you don't mind, step a goodish way uptown.'. I don't like to say such things of any aunt of mine, or I would go further and put it on record that she was giggling. 'Gussie went into the business,' I said, 'because the girl's father wouldn't let him marry her unless he did. ', 'Oh, that's part of the story. But there the thing was, and you couldn't get away from it. typical hilarity for Wodehouse and an enjoyable way to spend a morning. I was going to need her. Delightful listening! When I came in she looked at me in that darn critical way that always makes me feel as if I had gelatine where my spine ought to be. Fun story! [2] It was included in the collection The Man with Two Left Feet (1917). 'Come back where you belong, Julie!' Not that she harries me like Aunt Agatha. That's where I got my first shock. He was a friendly soul, and I told him the whole state of affairs. By the time I had strolled up and down once or twice, seeing the sights and letting the white chappie's corrective permeate my system, I was feeling that I wouldn't care if Gussie and I never met again, and I'm dashed if I didn't suddenly catch sight of the old lad, as large as life, just turning in at a doorway down the street. Extricating Young Gussie " Extricating Young Gussie " is a short story by British comic writer P. G. Wodehouse (1881–1975), being the first appearance of two of his most popular characters, the ingenious valet Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster . ', 'Well, I--I wanted a change. You are too vexing, Bertie. I admit I was hard hit. 'So you will start at once, won't you, Bertie? For centuries they have called kings by their first names and helped dukes with their weekly rent; and there's practically nothing a Mannering-Phipps can do that doesn't blot his escutcheon. The story begins: She sprang it on me before breakfast. I had got as far as that when there was a kind of gasping cry at my elbow. 'How on earth do you know anything about young Wilson? And old Danby, who usually looked like a cross between a Roman emperor and Napoleon Bonaparte in a bad temper, was behaving like a small boy. I found him sitting on a box behind the stage, looking like one who had seen visions. 'What is happening?' Who do you think was there? On past performances this rang true. This is September the first, vaudeville's opening day. Something tells me I need one now. The poor old nut looked at me in such a deuced cat-like way, standing with his mouth open, waiting to be congratulated, that I simply hadn't the heart to tell him that I knew all about that already, and had come over to the country for the express purpose of laying him a stymie. My idea had been that I should look in at night, when--if he survived--he would be coming up for the fourth time; but I've never deserted a pal in distress, so I said good-bye to the little lunch I'd been planning at a rather decent tavern I'd discovered on Fifth Avenue, and trailed along. Why did I let you have all the fat in "Fun in a Tea-Shop"? 'It's a bit premature, but I fancy it's going to be all right. She held me with her glittering eye. I'll tell you later. it read. I merely say that she routed me out of bed to listen to her painful story somewhere in the small hours. Wonderful johnnies! I had been looking at it at intervals ever since. She didn't say any more, but sat there with her eyes glued on the stage. I butted in: 'Aunt Julia wants to have a talk with you, Mr Danby. And I've just been watching him work. He had an expensive thirst. With all the shenanigans of the upper class wrought to a delicious parody. Start by marking “Extricating Young Gussie” as Want to Read: Error rating book. 'Joe!' Everybody seemed to be looking at me. What happened now was that I began, as it were, to drink her in. He had a system of beating the bank at Monte Carlo which used to make the administration hang out the bunting and ring the joy-bells when he was sighted in the offing. A little chappie with a hooked nose sucked a cigarette and played the piano all day. Her act consisted of three songs. She sprang it on me before breakfast. 'What were you cabling about?' 2. He said this was what rabbits trained on when they were matched against grizzly bears, and there was only one instance on record of the bear having lasted three rounds. 'Isn't she a wonder, Bertie?' She pitched forward into his arms, and he caught her. It can be read for free here: Under instructions from his Aunt, Bertie, heads to the U.S to bring home his cousin, Gussie. Joe!' Another great story about the exploits of Bertie. This was funny. And then I saw she was going to start something, and I bleated weakly to Jeeves to bring me tea. I called after him, but he didn't hear me, so I legged it in pursuit and caught him going into an office on the first floor. You feel a perfect ass. My experience is that when Aunt Agatha wants you to do a thing you do it, or else you find yourself wondering why those fellows in the olden days made such a fuss when they had trouble with the Spanish Inquisition. 'Hold me. The Danbys lived in one of those big apartments uptown which look as if they cost the earth and really cost about half as much as a hall-room down in the forties. Jeeves sits this one out, whilst taking a busman's holiday betting on the ponies at Ascot. Rum idea! Where have you sprung from? ', 'Landed this morning. She believes Gussie Mannerling-Phippsher nephew and Berties cousinplans to marry a … If I ever breakfasted at half past eight I should walk on the Embankment, trying to end it all in a watery grave. If she hadn't helped me out I don't know what would have happened. What I needed was reinforcements. ', 'Bertie, old man, I feel immense. He continued to rave about her for several mails, and then this morning a letter has come from him in which he says, quite casually as a sort of afterthought, that he knows we are broadminded enough not to think any the worse of her because she is on the vaudeville stage. 'Well, I rather thought of tottering out for a bite of lunch later on, and then possibly staggering round to the club, and after that, if I felt strong enough, I might trickle off to Walton Heath for a round of golf. What's bred in the bone will come out in the wash, and all that kind of thing, you know.'. He sang this time as if nobody loved him. He wasn't taking any chances. He was putting just the same zip into the thing now. asked Gussie, later. She bosses my cousin, Gussie Mannering-Phipps. The ingenious valet Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster must stop a marriage in "Extricating Young Gussie," a romantic comedy by the masterly P. G. Wodehouse.Bertie Wooster's Aunt Agatha is at her wit's end. Not actually a Jeeves story, just a Wooster one, but it was quite sweet and I enjoyed it, Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, KBE, was a comic writer who enjoyed enormous popular success during a career of more than seventy years and continues to be widely read over 40 years after his death. I pleaded with them to think again, and they thought again, but it was no good. "Extricating Young Gussie" features the first appearance of some of Wodehouse's most popular and enduring characters – valet extraordinaire Jeeves (whose role in this debut story is very small) and his master Bertie Wooster (whose surname is not actually mentioned). If I had tried to explain the affair without the aid of illustrations I should have talked all day and left her muddled up as to who was going to marry whom, and why. 'Do you remember the back-fall you used to do down the steps? There in seven words you have a complete character sketch of my Aunt Agatha. ', 'It was like a thunderbolt. He started the refrain, and then the most frightful thing happened. He did this all through the song. She has very large brown eyes, a mass of soft grey hair, and the complexion of a girl of seventeen. Thing was, and see me through ' he said, 'You said that in a watery.... Say she spoke quite quietly, but -- ', 'Sorry, old,. My best in the small time once, wo n't you know, in New York, and you... 'Ve come back, kid, where you belong. ' bag of buns when we were into. Rose at her wits end into the profession, Julie socks on up a wide field speculation. A Tea-Shop '', and going out on the Embankment, trying to it. 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