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de fuga in persecutione

de fuga in persecutione

2. The question in hand is persecution. He has fallen, therefore, whose desire has been to escape. For He was not able even without flight — a protection so base, and unworthy, and servile — to preserve in persecution such as He knew to be weak! I have well kept the commandment, if, rendering to Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's, I refuse to God the things which are God's! But what other war has our peace than persecution? Who will fear, but he who has not loved? Title: De fuga in persecutione (On running away from persecution) Subheading: From: ( Ante-Nicene Fathers. 2. Under Commodus——a.d. But if the matter is wholly in God's hand, why do we not leave it to His will, recognising His might and power in that, just as He can bring us back to trial when we flee, so is He able to screen us when we do not flee; yes, and even living in the very heart of the people? De fuga in persecutione I [1] Quaesisti proxime, Fabi frater, fugiendum necne sit in persecutione, quod nescio quid annuntiaretur. Yet withal he did not say a betrayer, or persecutor, or one seeking to terrify you by his threats. An edition of De Fuga in Persecutione (2018) De Fuga in Persecutione by Tertullian. And the Lord indeed ransomed him from the angelic powers which rule the world — from the spirits of wickedness, from the darkness of this life, from eternal judgment, from everlasting death. Nay, you say, While I am unwilling to be held up to the public as being what I am, I have acknowledged that I am what I am unwilling to be so held up as being, that is, a Christian. This edition is on 0 lists. So, too, persecution may be viewed as a contest. But how shall we assemble together? In its real nature a very good thing is chastity, and so is truth, and righteousness; and yet they are distasteful to many. Unless, as it depends on the Lord, one either perishes irrationally, or is irrationally saved, he will not be able to speak of persecution as an evil, which, while it is under the direction of reason, is, even in respect of its evil, good. Now if I owe God, indeed, a human being and my own blood; but I am now in this juncture, that a demand is made upon me for the payment of that debt, I am undoubtedly guilty of cheating God if I do my best to withhold payment. Price New from Used from Hardcover "Please retry" $24.76 . Compre online De Fuga in Persecutione: 80, de Tertullian, Thelwall, S, Overett, A M na Amazon. He must die, in whatever way of it, either as conquered or as conqueror. As regards your feet, you have stood; in respect of the money you have paid, you have run away. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. But it is the case that Christ was rich in blood for him. In fact, what utter inconsistency in the decrees of One who commands to flee, and yet urges to suffer, which is the very opposite! Paul bids us support the weak, but most certainly it is not when they flee. But also to every one who asks me I will give on the plea of charity, not under any intimidation. Last of all, in the Revelation, He does not propose flight to the fearful, but a miserable portion among the rest of the outcast, in the lake of brimstone and fire, which is the second death. Thus Zechariah threatens: Arise, O sword, against the shepherds, and pluck out the sheep; and I will turn my hand against the shepherds. Ibidem ego oblocutus aliquid pro loco ac tempore et quarundam personarum importunitate semitractatam materiam abstuli mecum, plenius in eam de stilo nunc renuntiaturus, utpote quam ei tua consultatio commendarat et condicio temporum suo iam nomine iniunxerat. Thus ought every servant of God to feel and act, even one in an inferior place, that he may come to have a more important one, if he has made some upward step by his endurance of persecution. The refusal of martyrdom is denial. But what do I owe God, as I do Cæsar the denarius, but the blood which His own Son shed for me? Give me money: assuredly that he may not deliver him up, since he tries to sell you nothing else than that which he is going to give you for money. But how we are to understand, Make to yourselves friends of mammon, let the previous parable teach you. How could martyrdoms, too, take place to the glory of the Lord, if by tribute we should pay for the liberty of our sect? But he who inquires whether persecution ought to be shunned by us must now be prepared to consider the following question also: Whether, if we should not flee from it, we should at least buy ourselves off from it. But the judging properly belongs to God alone. Paul indeed, when Felix the governor hoped that he should receive money for him from the disciples, about which matter he also dealt with the apostle in private, certainly neither paid it himself, nor did the disciples for him. Accordingly the Saviour says, You will not go over all the cities of Israel. You have the case of Job, whom the devil, unless he had received authority from God, could not have visited with trial, not even, in fact, in his property, unless the Lord had said, Behold, all that he has I put at your disposal; but do not stretch out your hand against himself. Quanto enim … For I could wish not only to suffer bonds, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. But in the prayer prescribed to us, when we say to our Father, Lead us not into temptation (now what greater temptation is there than persecution? Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. But Christ, confirming these foreshadowings Himself, adds: The bad shepherd is he who, on seeing the wolf, flees, and leaves the sheep to be torn in pieces. Fear not them who are able to kill the body, but are unable to do ought against the soul; but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. My email address is feedback732 at Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work. Rutilius, a saintly martyr, after having ofttimes fled from persecution from place to place, nay, having bought security from danger, as he thought, by money, was, notwithstanding the complete security he had, as he thought, provided for himself, at last unexpectedly seized, and being brought before the magistrate, was put to the torture and cruelly mangled — a punishment, I believe, for his fleeing — and thereafter he was consigned to the flames, and thus paid to the mercy of God the suffering which he had shunned. These things, my brother, seem to you perhaps harsh and not to be endured; but recall that God has said, He who receives it, let him receive it, that is, let him who does not receive it go his way. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. Work Information URN: urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0275.stoa016 Work title: De Fuga in Persecutione Textgroup: stoa0275 Author: Tertullian ca. He likewise acknowledged, it is true, that His soul was troubled, even unto death, and the flesh weak; with the design, (however,) first of all, that by having, as His own, trouble of soul and weakness of the flesh, He might show you that both the substances in Him were truly human; lest, as certain persons have now brought it in, you might be led to think either the flesh or the soul of Christ different from ours; and then, that, by an exhibition of their states, you might be convinced that they have no power at all of themselves without the spirit. If, therefore, the prohibition against setting foot in the way of the Gentiles, and entering into the cities of the Samaritans, has come to an end, why should not the command to flee, which was issued at the same time, have come also to an end? Most assuredly a good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, according to the word of Moses, when the Lord Christ had not as yet been revealed, but was already shadowed forth in himself: If you destroy this people, he says, destroy me also along with it. Even now, the declarations of the Lord have reasons and laws of their own. Tertullian for $49.00 at Mighty Ape NZ. If views so opposed to each other do not comport with the divine dignity, they clearly prove that the command to flee had, at the time it was given, a reason of its own, which we have pointed out. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. If any one recognises the Spirit also, he will hear him branding the runaways. Hola, Identifícate. Neither were they to flee to any city as if by stealth, but as if everywhere about to proclaim their message; and for this, everywhere about to undergo persecutions, until they should fulfil their teaching. But we, I think, are better than many sparrows. Next » De Fuga in Persecutione « Prev: De Fuga in Persecutione. Otherwise they who had wished him rather to avoid persecution, might also have adduced that prior will of the Lord, in which He had commanded flight. Why do you not rather on this, the side of constancy and trust in God, say, I do my part; I depart not; God, if He choose, will Himself be my protector? Therefore, since the service is not of free-will, but of subjection (for persecution is the appointment of the Lord for the trial of faith, but its ministry is the injustice of the devil, supplied that persecution may be got up), we believe that persecution comes to pass, no question, by the devil's agency, but not by the devil's origination. But no command that shows Judea to be specially the sphere for preaching applies to us, now that the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon all flesh. But he who uses intimidation does not ask. 284 till a.d. 303. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99... 1. Title:: De Fuga in Persecutione: Author:: Tertullian, approximately 160-approximately 230: Translator:: Thelwall, Sydney : Link: HTML with commentary at CCEL 1 of 1 editions. Quick-Find an Edition. Do you fear man, O Christian?— you who ought to be feared by the angels, since you are to judge angels; who ought to be feared by evil spirits, since you have received power also over evil spirits; who ought to be feared by the whole world, since by you, too, the world is judged. For this is what follows, But deliver us from the wicked one, that is, do not lead us into temptation by giving us up to the wicked one, for then are we delivered from the power of the devil, when we are not handed over to him to be tempted. Boston University Libraries. Thelwall.] And therefore the Comforter is requisite, who guides into all truth, and animates to all endurance. De Fuga In Persecutione (Latin Edition) (Latin) Paperback – September 10, 2010 by Tertullian (Author) See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. For such a peace, forsooth, Christ, returning to His Father, commanded to be bought from the soldiers by gifts like those you have in the Saturnalia! How will he confess, fleeing? It is not alms he looks for, who comes not to be pitied, but to be feared. The writings of the Early Church Fathers are key to the understanding of the development of the Church through the first six centuries. So also elsewhere: seek not to die on bridal beds, nor in miscarriages, nor in soft fevers, but to die the martyr's death, that He may be glorified who has suffered for you. Is perhaps the real nature on this account sacrificed to the sense of perception? But to us the way of the Gentiles is also open, as in it we in fact were found, and to the very last we walk; and no city has been excepted. Abhängig von der Lieferadresse kann die USt. I know not whether it is matter for grief or shame when among hucksters, and pickpockets, and bath-thieves, and gamesters, and pimps, Christians too are included as taxpayers in the lists of free soldiers and spies. Yes; and if you ask counsel of the Spirit, what does He approve more than that utterance of the Spirit? De fuga in persecutione (On running away from persecution) [CPL 25] Latin: Bulhart, 1957--- English: Thelwall, 1869--- French: Genoude, 1852--- German: Kellner, 1882 9. In GoogleBooks go to page 461 to: De Fuga in Persecutione, Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Quae Supersunt Omnia Tomus I. In like manner, says Jesus, to him who has taken away your coat, grant even your cloak also. Look at the condition — certainly of God's ordaining, in whose hand the king's heart is — of kingdoms and empires. In love — to wit, the declarations of the early Church are! 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