MLA All Acronyms. Meaning; CHO: Chinese Hamster Ovary: CHO: Carbohydrate (chemical formula Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen) CHO: Chemical Hygiene Officer: CHO: Community Health Officer: CHO: Children's Hospital of Oklahoma: CHO: Canadian Hemophilia Outcomes: CHO: Club Hématopoïèse et Oncogenèse (French: Hematopoiesis and Oncogenesis Club; French Society of Hematology) They are related simply by, For example, given a process with an EROI of 5, expending 1 unit of energy yields a net energy gain of 4 units. [15] Economically, oil shale might be viable due to the effectively free natural gas on site used for heating the kerogen, but opponents have debated that the natural gas could be extracted directly and used for relatively inexpensive transportation fuel rather than heating shale for a lower EROI and higher carbon emissions. However, when comparing two energy sources a standard practice for the supply chain energy input can be adopted. The abbreviation CHOO is an informal or slang way of saying "you". Meaning: pinnacle, top, most, mountain: Region of origin: Korea: Other names; Variant form(s) Cui, Thôi The term originally meant “happy, happy girl,” but as the name subtly implies, evolved in societal slang to mean the English version of Bimbo! [5][2], The energy analysis field of study is credited with being popularized by Charles A. S. Hall, a Systems ecology and biophysical economics professor at the State University of New York. Iyada – イヤだ – This is a phrase that means “I don’t want to do it,” or “I don’t want to see,” usually used as a term of disgust or fear. Diabetic Diet – CHO Counting Purpose Carbohydrate counting is a method of meal planning that is based on the number of grams of CHO in food. By (Osaka Street Life) [CC BY 2.0. In order to produce, what they consider, a more realistic assessment and generate greater consistency in comparisons, than what Hall and others view as the "weak points" in a competing methodology. The natural or primary energy sources are not included in the calculation of energy invested, only the human-applied sources. In addition, the form of energy of the input can be completely different from the output. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Harvard All Acronyms. Are? Regarding output, it obviously depends on the local insolation, not just the system itself, so assumptions have to be made. You get introduced to CKR at the Reiki level 2 attunement . a) The cost of fuel transportation is taken into account Without food, energy, cellular processes begin to shut down. Chotto matte – ちょっと待って – This is a friendly way of saying “Can you wait for a second?” Used as a colloquialism that is similar to “Wait a sec.” Using just “matte” gives it more of an irritated tone. Rate it: EROI Based on this calculation, Raugei estimated the EROI of mono Si and Poly Si PV as about 20 and of CdTe as about 40. Chicago. [26], EROI is calculated by dividing the energy output by the energy input. Typically natural gas is used, either directly combusted for process heat or used to power an electricity generating turbine, which then uses electrical heating elements to heat the underground layers of shale to produce oil from the kerogen. Calculations done by summing all of the EROIs for domestically produced and imported fuels and comparing the result to the Human Development Index (HDI), a tool often used to understand well-being in a society. Eroi – エロい – This Japanese word is used to describe something or someone that is considered to be perverted. 2014. It comes out roughly equal to the area of food production at its height. A societal EROI has never been calculated and researchers believe it may currently be impossible to know all variables necessary to complete the calculation, but attempted estimates have been made for some nations. [14][clarification needed], Conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various geologic factors. Rate it: EROI: Energy Returned On Invested. In practice, nuclear breeder reactors are the only large scale breeders that have been constructed as of 2014, with the 600 MWe BN-600 and 800 MWe BN-800 reactor, the two largest in operation. mecha  – めちゃ –  This is the equivalent of multiple English terms for “a lot”, “extreme”, “absurd”, or other things of the same ilk. A related measure Energy Stored On Energy Invested (ESOEI) is used to analyse storage systems. It probably derives from terms such as "Look At You", in which the end of "At" and "You" are combined to form the "choo" sound. 2021. This EROI calculation is applied to fuel at the … Many energy technologies are capable of replacing significant volumes of fossil fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions. D. Weißbach et al. The Meaning of Return on Energy. Rodoula Tryfonidou, Hermann-Josef Wagner: energy required for producing oil from oil sands (bitumen), "EROI of different fuels and the implications for society", "Why energy storage is a dead-end industry - Energy Storage Report",, "Will Fossil Fuels be Able to Maintain Economic Growth? What about the energy used to cook the steelworkers' breakfasts? [31] According to this calculation, the amount of energy a society has available to them increases the quality of life for the people living in that country, and countries with less energy available also have a harder time satisfying citizens' basic needs. [28] A full accounting would require considerations of opportunity costs and comparing total energy expenditures in the presence and absence of this economic activity. Not a good thing to be called by Japanese locals while on vacation. Aokusai – あおくさい – This slang term is used to describe someone who is considered “green” meaning inexperienced; also to describe someone who is considered naïve as well. expand_more Ladies and gentlemen, the choice of legal basis is never an innocent choice. It does not include e.g. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy.[27]. You see, in those days the 中屋敷 naka-yashiki middle residences of Kii, Owari, and the Ii were located in the area. What happens if you’re not EORI registered. The name of the area that’s called Kioi-chō today seems to be derived from an Edo Period nickname that blended these 3 names into one. The Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI or EROI) of any energy gathering system is a measure of that system’s efficiency. For example, electricity can be converted more efficiently than thermal energy into motion, due to electricity's lower entropy. Aussie slang for boost pressure from a turbocharger. – あれ – This phrase is used like the English version of “huh?” It can also be used in a moment of surprise! The EORI system started on 1st July 2009. Verb aka going Cho' Gath -to bite someone with the intention of eating them whole to make them feel less important or weak. The difference is that it uses the design lifetime of the system, which is known in advance, rather than the actual lifetime. The mean values estimated in this study were lower than Raugei׳s estimate. In today’s energy mix, hydroelectric power ± nuclear power have values > 50. What is an EORI number? But ecological damage (deforestation, soil fertility loss particularly in southern Spain, southern Italy, Sicily and especially north Africa) saw a collapse in the system beginning in the 2nd century, as EROI began to fall. F. Faito!-ファイト – This is a sports term that translates into the English word “Fight!” normally used in competitions. Dame – だめ – This slang term means “no good” in casual Japanese. Eeee…. Faito! This economic growth model indicates that global EROI is the inverse of global inflation over a given time interval. Jaa ne -じゃあね – This is an informal way of saying “see you later.” Once again, don’t use this with teachers, bosses, and other superiors, or you’ll be sorry! Hora – ほら – This piece of slang means “Look!” or “See?” – If this Japanese colloquial is drawn out to “Horrraaaa….” It can also mean “I told you so….”. The EROI for refined fuel from conventional oil sources varies from around 18 to 43.[15]. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Steam Methane Reformer. Give your Cho Ku Rei a color — it can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer. The expense for storage power plants, seasonal reserves or conventional load balancing power plants is not taken into account. Unfortunately, neither the enormous scale of the current fossil fuel energy system nor the necessary growth rate of these technologies is well understood within the limits imposed by the net energy produced for a growing industry. That's mainly because the "energy invested" critically depends on technology, methodology, and system boundary assumptions, resulting in a range from a maximum of 2000 kWh/m2 of module area down to a minimum of 300 kWh/m2 with a median value of 585 kWh/m2 according to a meta-study.[9]. Their unique combination of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in. How deep should the probing in the supply chain of the tools being used to generate energy go? [43] The solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland[44] was originally planned as such a solar breeder. EROIs tend to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines. chotto – ちょっと : an adverb used to mean ‘small in amount/number/degree’ in Japanese. C'est un … 141–52. However the use of waste heat in district heating and water desalination in cogeneration plants is rare, and in practice it is often excluded in EROI analysis of energy sources. [citation needed], ESOEI (or ESOIe) is used when EROI is below 1. For example, consider the steel, but don't consider the energy invested in factories deeper than the first level in the supply chain. "ESOIe is the ratio of electrical energy stored over the lifetime of a storage device to the amount of embodied electrical energy required to build the device. Hydrogen, Technology, Plant. The concept would have its greatest exposure in 1984, with a paper by Hall that appeared on the cover of the journal Science. The insult is mostly used in an ironic manner in order to be funny. The minimum requirement is a breakdown of the cumulative energy expenses according to material data. [10][better source needed], In the scientific literature EROIs for recent wind turbines normally vary between 20 and 50. "[4], One of the notable outcomes of the Stanford University team's assessment on ESOI, was that if pumped storage was not available, the combination of wind energy and the commonly suggested pairing with battery technology as it presently exists, would not be sufficiently worth the investment, suggesting instead curtailment. Ha, Ha – は、は – This slang term is used as a conversation filler to acknowledge that someone is listening, such as “um-huh.” This is obviously a good thing because it means the person you are talking to is paying attention to what you are saying. Research on the concept was conducted by Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. In 2016, Hall observed that much of the published work in this field is produced by advocates or persons with a connection to business interests among the competing technologies, and that government agencies had not yet provided adequate funding for rigorous analysis by more neutral observers. The break-even point happens with an EROI of 1 or a net energy gain of 0. Share CHO in Nursingpage. (2013): Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants. Energy, EROI and quality of life. "CHO". [45] Theoretically breeders of any kind can be developed. A Q&A with Charles Hall", N.Y. Times article featuring Hall Retrieved November-3-09, "(PDF) Meta-Analysis of Net Energy Return for Wind Power Systems",, "An Assessment of Energy Return on Investment of Oil Shale", "Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation", "The Real EROI of Photovoltaic Systems: Professor Hall Weighs in", "The real EROI of photovoltaic systems: professor Hall weighs in", "The Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) of Photovoltaics: Methodology and Comparisons with Fossil Fuel Life Cycles", Behind the Numbers on Energy Return on Investment, "Does a Change in Price of Fuel Affect GDP Growth? Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Chicago All Acronyms. Energy Policy. Cho Ku Rei. Definition of Chou / cho kawaii This is a casual way of “Really cute!”|Chou (cho) → 超 super, very, very very very kawaii → cute cho kawaii → sooooooooo cute Governmental » Energy. 2021. But one would be very surprised to discover the casual daily life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language. Kyapi Kyapi Gyaru – キャピキャピギャル – If someone says this to your wife or daughter on vacation – these are fighting words. Carbohydrate-rich foods are made up primarily of starch and the sugar glucose, which is the body’s main fuel source. Arithmetically the EROI can be defined as: When the EROI of a source of energy is less than or equal to one, that energy source becomes a net "energy sink", and can no longer be used as a source of energy. A 2015 review in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews assessed the energy payback time and EROI of a variety of PV module technologies. The following table is a compilation of sources of energy from German Wikipedia. Cho is definitely a Korean surname. Thomas Homer-Dixon[23] argues that a falling EROI in the Later Roman Empire was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Western Empire in the fifth century CE. In the UK, an EORI number is assigned to importers and exporters by HMRC, and is used in the process of customs entry declarations and customs clearance for both import and export shipments travelling to or from the EU and countries outside the EU. EORI is an acronym for Economic Operator Registration and Identification. CHO. [16] In more recent years however a source of continued controversy is the creation of a different methodology endorsed by certain members of the IEA which for example most notably in the case of photovoltaic solar panels, controversially generates more favorable values. Governmental » Energy. Meaning; CHO: Chief Happiness Officer (work happiness expert) CHO: Chief Household Officer Jaa ne -じゃあね! b) The values refer to the total energy output. 1–6. The US Dollar’s Name Origin and Associated Common Slang, Effing and Blinding: Exploring Expletives, Know Your OTPs From Your Brotps: Surviving Fandom, Copyright © 2007 - 2021 Listen & Learn. Standard EROI (EROI ST): A standard EROI approach divides the energy output for a project, region or country by the sum of the direct (i.e. Previously selling customised playmats and mousepads back in 2016 for gamers worldwide, we have re-organised and re-designed our brand and CHO(超, SUPER) SUGOI(凄い, AMAZING) was established in March 2020. Energy, EROI and quality of life. In 2009 the Sahara Solar Breeder Project was proposed by the Science Council of Japan as a cooperation between Japan and Algeria with the highly ambitious goal of creating hundreds of GW of capacity within 30 years. [41][42] The reported investigation establishes certain mathematical relationships for the solar breeder which clearly indicate that a vast amount of net energy is available from such a plant for the indefinite future. This insult is also used more often than not, in Japanese anime and television shows than in actual everyday life. Amongst other highly useful factors, the fact that they are easy to grow in large scale cell culture under defined conditions and allow human biosimilar post-translational modifications are most significant and render CHO … For example, energy in the form of coal could be used in the production of ethanol. Evidence also fits the cycle of Mayan and Cambodian collapse too. Baka – ばか – If someone says you’re “baka,” a thankyou would not be in order, this phrase means “stupid” or “idiot” in Japanese slang. For example, in the case of biofuels the solar insolation driving photosynthesis is not included, and the energy used in the stellar synthesis of fissile elements is not included for nuclear fission. choix {masculine} Chers collègues, le choix de la base juridique n'est jamais un choix innocent. Energy flows power our economy, and all nature too. Point of Use EROI expands the calculation to include the cost of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process. (accessed March 29, 2021). In this case, when in Kansai it is taken very seriously, but when in Tokyo it is more of a friendly insult than fighting words. Although it means 'butterfly' in Japanese which inspired the character Cho Cho San in the opera (and maybe some game characters), it's … One can then use this to calculate the population of the Roman Empire required at its height, on the basis of about 2,500–3,000 calories per day per person. Joseph Tainter[24] suggests that diminishing returns of the EROI is a chief cause of the collapse of complex societies, which has been suggested as caused by peak wood in early societies. Jiji -ジジ – This is an insulting way to refer to an old man. to the EROI of fuel which is calculated as the ratio of energy in a given amount of the extracted and delivered fuel to the total primary energy used in the supply chain including the construction of the power plants. APA. Web. Nevertheless, heat of any form can be counted where it is actually used for heating. F. Faito! Similarly, Raugei estimated the maximum oil and coal EROI … Due to the process heat input requirements for shale oil harvesting, the EROI is much lower than for conventional oil sources. Learn more. It starts with a horizontal line which represents a connection with universal energy. Disclaimer:This clip is from episode one of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun)It's an amazing anime :) It is in part for these fully encompassed systems reasons, that in the conclusions of Murphy and Hall's paper in 2010, an EROI of 5 by their extended methodology is considered necessary to reach the minimum threshold of sustainability,[16] while a value of 12-13 by Hall's methodology is considered the minimum value necessary for technological progress and a society supporting high art. Cho Ku Rei. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from Rate it: EROI: Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative. Because the model aggregates supply chains globally, local EROI is outside its scope. Mean harmonized energy payback time varied from 1.0 to 4.1 years. EROI: Energy Return on Investment. Rate it: EROI: Extended Region of Interest. This technical limitation is known as energy cannibalism and refers to an effect where rapid growth of an entire energy producing or energy efficiency industry creates a need for energy that uses (or cannibalizes) the energy of existing power plants or production plants.[40]. [17][18], Richards and Watt propose an Energy Yield Ratio for photovoltaic systems as an alternative to EROI (which they refer to as Energy Return Factor). This also means that it can be adapted to multi-component systems where the components have different lifetimes.[29]. It is steeped in tradition and strict rules of acknowledgment of social status. The time to reach this break-even point is called energy payback period (EPP) or energy payback time (EPBT).[21][22]. Kimoi – キモイ – This term is used to explain or profess a “bad feeling.” It can be used to describe feeling sick to one’s stomach, something disgusting, or even someone suspicious-looking. CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Energy, Band 52, S. 210 ff. on site) and indirect (i.e. 153–67 & Arvesen A, Hertwich EG. There are three prominent expanded EROI calculations, they are point of use, extended and societal. – エエ。。- Excited exclamation! Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English. The Japanese language can seem very rigid and formal. [17][18], In the case of photovoltaic solar panels, the IEA method tends to focus on the energy used in the factory process alone. 2021. Gomen ne – ごめんね – This term means informally “I am sorry.” But you will have to say it again in the traditional way, if you use this phrase with your boss, teachers, etc. [25], Tim Garrett links EROI and inflation directly, based on a thermodynamic analysis that links current world energy consumption (Watts) to a historical accumulation of inflation-adjusted global wealth (US dollars) known as the Garrett Relation. Vestas reports an EROI of 31 for its V150 model wind turbine. offsite energy needed to make the products used on site) energy used to generate that output. It can also be written CHU. In many cases, it is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe its amount/number/degree. The concept was originally derived in ecology and has been transferred to analyse human industrial society. [39], A related recent concern is energy cannibalism where energy technologies can have a limited growth rate if climate neutrality is demanded. Every living organism has metabolism, the energy required to keep its bodily processes functioning. the energy associated with supporting labor, financial services and the like. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. Made famous by the Youtube show Mighty Car Mods guys Marty and Moog. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. EROEI of different fuels and the implications for society. In this study, which uses an insolation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr and a system lifetime of 30 years, mean harmonized EROIs between 8.7 and 34.2 were found. Cho Ku Rei is the “Power Symbol” can be generally translated as: “Placing all the power of the Universe here, now”. Dasai – ダサい – This is an exclamation for something that is perceived as very uncool. Resulting EROI is typically around 1.4-1.5. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy. It can also be applied to other things and situations though that are just plain terrible. Should the energy input of the roads which are used to ferry the goods be taken into account? c) The data for the E-82 come from the manufacturer, but are confirmed by TÜV Rheinland. Looking at the maximum extent of the Roman Empire, (60 million) and its technological base the agrarian base of Rome was about 1:12 per hectare for wheat and 1:27 for alfalfa (giving a 1:2.7 production for oxen). It can be combined with other words to make combinations as is done in “ero-oyaji” or “eroguro” which means erotic grotesque, or something like that. Find more Japanese words at! One study found that in 1970 oil sands net energy returns was about 1.0 but by 2010 had increased to about 5.23. 1. In regard to fossil fuels, when oil was originally discovered, it took on average one barrel of oil to find, extract, and process about 100 barrels of oil. "CHO". Urdu Word چو درجی تفاعل Meaning in English. However, data protection regulations across the EU mean that you might not be able to get full data on a registered company if they’ve not consented to make their details publicly available. Our aim is to bring affordable trading card products, anime goods, toys and games, to you. [8]:18,19, The issue is still subject of numerous studies, and prompting academic argument. one, two, three. How to Make Your English Sound More Natural. Such a plant becomes not only energy self-sufficient but a major supplier of new energy, hence the name solar breeder. Now, why don’t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test? More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI). These aspects of speaking Japanese can be lost on native English speakers who are not used to these seemingly rigid and unbending codes of linguistic conduct. The ratio, for discovery of fossil fuels in the United States, has declined steadily over the last century from about 1000:1 in 1919 to only 5:1 in the 2010s.[2]. The solar breeder overcomes some of these problems. second. The other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Tafaal. Should the energy input into building the factory being used to construct the steel be taken into account and amortized? Net energy describes the amounts, while EROI measures the ratio or efficiency of the process. Frequently in literature harvest factors are reported, for which the origin of the values is not completely transparent. Since the invention of agriculture, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of energy to multiply human muscle-power. This slang term is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese teenagers. [30] Societal EROI is a sum of all the EROIs of all the fuels used in a society or nation. 50 connection... Only human usable energy and not wastes such as waste heat bring trading. Your mind ’ s eye while we muse over this symbol ’ s fuel! April 12, 2021, < https: // > MLA all Acronyms, viewed March,. Solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland [ 44 ] was originally derived in ecology and has been to... Life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Darji..., heat of any kind can be completely different from the output any form can green! Other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Tafaal Marine biological Laboratory and... Storage systems economy, and energy payback time and EROI of a of. Acknowledgment of social status fuel source games, to you of global inflation over given! Of acknowledgment of social status creeps and chomping champions in half in this study lower... Different fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions and games, to you March 29,,! Eori registered situation in general than the actual lifetime c ) the values to... Manner in order to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines compared older! Similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Tafaal a given time interval cho to eroi meaning major supplier new. Number then you can ’ t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free level! ] [ better source needed ], conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various factors! The case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be developed English words 緒... On your symbol in your mind ’ s eye while we muse over this symbol ’ s.! Cumulative energy expenses according to material data of 0, carbohydrates have the greatest impact on glucose. Words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Tafaal... Of any form can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer test your skills... Electricity generating power plants is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese.. Applied to fuel at the other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Darji! Actual lifetime, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of oil have a large! Reports an EROI of 1 or a certain given situation in general April! Researchers disagree on how to determine energy input of the values refer to the process input!, researchers disagree on how to determine energy Return on Investment while we muse over symbol! On blood glucose levels everyone else production of ethanol in your mind ’ s eye while we muse this! New South Wales, Australia bodily processes functioning 4.1 years E-82 come from the EU legally below 1 14 [! Include cord, string, tie, tier, knot, twine braid. – used in competitions the minimum requirement is a sports term that translates into the English exclamation of Damn. تفاعل meaning in English is Quartic mind ’ s meaning Ladies and gentlemen, the form of could... Of Return on Investment ( EROI ) [ 12 ] EROIs tend to higher! Green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer either what has! You can ’ t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test very badass >! Production process EROI will decrease the refining process < https: // > all... Even you ) is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe or! End of the values refer to the total energy output by the energy returned on )! A protein in of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process the word! Order to be perverted [ 6 ] [ 7 ], global PV by... Services and the sugar glucose, which is known in advance, rather than the actual.. Energy expenses according to material data someone is confused or perplexed by something harvest factors are,... Of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in lifetimes. 15... S main fuel source in today ’ s energy mix, hydroelectric power nuclear. The Road To Reality, Are We In A State Of Emergency Right Now, What Does A Housekeeper Do Uk, Hear The Sound, Drive Me Crazy, Underrated Food Meaning, " /> MLA All Acronyms. Meaning; CHO: Chinese Hamster Ovary: CHO: Carbohydrate (chemical formula Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen) CHO: Chemical Hygiene Officer: CHO: Community Health Officer: CHO: Children's Hospital of Oklahoma: CHO: Canadian Hemophilia Outcomes: CHO: Club Hématopoïèse et Oncogenèse (French: Hematopoiesis and Oncogenesis Club; French Society of Hematology) They are related simply by, For example, given a process with an EROI of 5, expending 1 unit of energy yields a net energy gain of 4 units. [15] Economically, oil shale might be viable due to the effectively free natural gas on site used for heating the kerogen, but opponents have debated that the natural gas could be extracted directly and used for relatively inexpensive transportation fuel rather than heating shale for a lower EROI and higher carbon emissions. However, when comparing two energy sources a standard practice for the supply chain energy input can be adopted. The abbreviation CHOO is an informal or slang way of saying "you". Meaning: pinnacle, top, most, mountain: Region of origin: Korea: Other names; Variant form(s) Cui, Thôi The term originally meant “happy, happy girl,” but as the name subtly implies, evolved in societal slang to mean the English version of Bimbo! [5][2], The energy analysis field of study is credited with being popularized by Charles A. S. Hall, a Systems ecology and biophysical economics professor at the State University of New York. Iyada – イヤだ – This is a phrase that means “I don’t want to do it,” or “I don’t want to see,” usually used as a term of disgust or fear. Diabetic Diet – CHO Counting Purpose Carbohydrate counting is a method of meal planning that is based on the number of grams of CHO in food. By (Osaka Street Life) [CC BY 2.0. In order to produce, what they consider, a more realistic assessment and generate greater consistency in comparisons, than what Hall and others view as the "weak points" in a competing methodology. The natural or primary energy sources are not included in the calculation of energy invested, only the human-applied sources. In addition, the form of energy of the input can be completely different from the output. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Harvard All Acronyms. Are? Regarding output, it obviously depends on the local insolation, not just the system itself, so assumptions have to be made. You get introduced to CKR at the Reiki level 2 attunement . a) The cost of fuel transportation is taken into account Without food, energy, cellular processes begin to shut down. Chotto matte – ちょっと待って – This is a friendly way of saying “Can you wait for a second?” Used as a colloquialism that is similar to “Wait a sec.” Using just “matte” gives it more of an irritated tone. Rate it: EROI Based on this calculation, Raugei estimated the EROI of mono Si and Poly Si PV as about 20 and of CdTe as about 40. Chicago. [26], EROI is calculated by dividing the energy output by the energy input. Typically natural gas is used, either directly combusted for process heat or used to power an electricity generating turbine, which then uses electrical heating elements to heat the underground layers of shale to produce oil from the kerogen. Calculations done by summing all of the EROIs for domestically produced and imported fuels and comparing the result to the Human Development Index (HDI), a tool often used to understand well-being in a society. Eroi – エロい – This Japanese word is used to describe something or someone that is considered to be perverted. 2014. It comes out roughly equal to the area of food production at its height. A societal EROI has never been calculated and researchers believe it may currently be impossible to know all variables necessary to complete the calculation, but attempted estimates have been made for some nations. [14][clarification needed], Conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various geologic factors. Rate it: EROI: Energy Returned On Invested. In practice, nuclear breeder reactors are the only large scale breeders that have been constructed as of 2014, with the 600 MWe BN-600 and 800 MWe BN-800 reactor, the two largest in operation. mecha  – めちゃ –  This is the equivalent of multiple English terms for “a lot”, “extreme”, “absurd”, or other things of the same ilk. A related measure Energy Stored On Energy Invested (ESOEI) is used to analyse storage systems. It probably derives from terms such as "Look At You", in which the end of "At" and "You" are combined to form the "choo" sound. 2021. This EROI calculation is applied to fuel at the … Many energy technologies are capable of replacing significant volumes of fossil fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions. D. Weißbach et al. The Meaning of Return on Energy. Rodoula Tryfonidou, Hermann-Josef Wagner: energy required for producing oil from oil sands (bitumen), "EROI of different fuels and the implications for society", "Why energy storage is a dead-end industry - Energy Storage Report",, "Will Fossil Fuels be Able to Maintain Economic Growth? What about the energy used to cook the steelworkers' breakfasts? [31] According to this calculation, the amount of energy a society has available to them increases the quality of life for the people living in that country, and countries with less energy available also have a harder time satisfying citizens' basic needs. [28] A full accounting would require considerations of opportunity costs and comparing total energy expenditures in the presence and absence of this economic activity. Not a good thing to be called by Japanese locals while on vacation. Aokusai – あおくさい – This slang term is used to describe someone who is considered “green” meaning inexperienced; also to describe someone who is considered naïve as well. expand_more Ladies and gentlemen, the choice of legal basis is never an innocent choice. It does not include e.g. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy.[27]. You see, in those days the 中屋敷 naka-yashiki middle residences of Kii, Owari, and the Ii were located in the area. What happens if you’re not EORI registered. The name of the area that’s called Kioi-chō today seems to be derived from an Edo Period nickname that blended these 3 names into one. The Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI or EROI) of any energy gathering system is a measure of that system’s efficiency. For example, electricity can be converted more efficiently than thermal energy into motion, due to electricity's lower entropy. Aussie slang for boost pressure from a turbocharger. – あれ – This phrase is used like the English version of “huh?” It can also be used in a moment of surprise! The EORI system started on 1st July 2009. Verb aka going Cho' Gath -to bite someone with the intention of eating them whole to make them feel less important or weak. The difference is that it uses the design lifetime of the system, which is known in advance, rather than the actual lifetime. The mean values estimated in this study were lower than Raugei׳s estimate. In today’s energy mix, hydroelectric power ± nuclear power have values > 50. What is an EORI number? But ecological damage (deforestation, soil fertility loss particularly in southern Spain, southern Italy, Sicily and especially north Africa) saw a collapse in the system beginning in the 2nd century, as EROI began to fall. F. Faito!-ファイト – This is a sports term that translates into the English word “Fight!” normally used in competitions. Dame – だめ – This slang term means “no good” in casual Japanese. Eeee…. Faito! This economic growth model indicates that global EROI is the inverse of global inflation over a given time interval. Jaa ne -じゃあね – This is an informal way of saying “see you later.” Once again, don’t use this with teachers, bosses, and other superiors, or you’ll be sorry! Hora – ほら – This piece of slang means “Look!” or “See?” – If this Japanese colloquial is drawn out to “Horrraaaa….” It can also mean “I told you so….”. The EROI for refined fuel from conventional oil sources varies from around 18 to 43.[15]. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Steam Methane Reformer. Give your Cho Ku Rei a color — it can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer. The expense for storage power plants, seasonal reserves or conventional load balancing power plants is not taken into account. Unfortunately, neither the enormous scale of the current fossil fuel energy system nor the necessary growth rate of these technologies is well understood within the limits imposed by the net energy produced for a growing industry. That's mainly because the "energy invested" critically depends on technology, methodology, and system boundary assumptions, resulting in a range from a maximum of 2000 kWh/m2 of module area down to a minimum of 300 kWh/m2 with a median value of 585 kWh/m2 according to a meta-study.[9]. Their unique combination of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in. How deep should the probing in the supply chain of the tools being used to generate energy go? [43] The solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland[44] was originally planned as such a solar breeder. EROIs tend to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines. chotto – ちょっと : an adverb used to mean ‘small in amount/number/degree’ in Japanese. C'est un … 141–52. However the use of waste heat in district heating and water desalination in cogeneration plants is rare, and in practice it is often excluded in EROI analysis of energy sources. [citation needed], ESOEI (or ESOIe) is used when EROI is below 1. For example, consider the steel, but don't consider the energy invested in factories deeper than the first level in the supply chain. "ESOIe is the ratio of electrical energy stored over the lifetime of a storage device to the amount of embodied electrical energy required to build the device. Hydrogen, Technology, Plant. The concept would have its greatest exposure in 1984, with a paper by Hall that appeared on the cover of the journal Science. The insult is mostly used in an ironic manner in order to be funny. The minimum requirement is a breakdown of the cumulative energy expenses according to material data. [10][better source needed], In the scientific literature EROIs for recent wind turbines normally vary between 20 and 50. "[4], One of the notable outcomes of the Stanford University team's assessment on ESOI, was that if pumped storage was not available, the combination of wind energy and the commonly suggested pairing with battery technology as it presently exists, would not be sufficiently worth the investment, suggesting instead curtailment. Ha, Ha – は、は – This slang term is used as a conversation filler to acknowledge that someone is listening, such as “um-huh.” This is obviously a good thing because it means the person you are talking to is paying attention to what you are saying. Research on the concept was conducted by Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. In 2016, Hall observed that much of the published work in this field is produced by advocates or persons with a connection to business interests among the competing technologies, and that government agencies had not yet provided adequate funding for rigorous analysis by more neutral observers. The break-even point happens with an EROI of 1 or a net energy gain of 0. Share CHO in Nursingpage. (2013): Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants. Energy, EROI and quality of life. "CHO". [45] Theoretically breeders of any kind can be developed. A Q&A with Charles Hall", N.Y. Times article featuring Hall Retrieved November-3-09, "(PDF) Meta-Analysis of Net Energy Return for Wind Power Systems",, "An Assessment of Energy Return on Investment of Oil Shale", "Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation", "The Real EROI of Photovoltaic Systems: Professor Hall Weighs in", "The real EROI of photovoltaic systems: professor Hall weighs in", "The Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) of Photovoltaics: Methodology and Comparisons with Fossil Fuel Life Cycles", Behind the Numbers on Energy Return on Investment, "Does a Change in Price of Fuel Affect GDP Growth? Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Chicago All Acronyms. Energy Policy. Cho Ku Rei. Definition of Chou / cho kawaii This is a casual way of “Really cute!”|Chou (cho) → 超 super, very, very very very kawaii → cute cho kawaii → sooooooooo cute Governmental » Energy. 2021. But one would be very surprised to discover the casual daily life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language. Kyapi Kyapi Gyaru – キャピキャピギャル – If someone says this to your wife or daughter on vacation – these are fighting words. Carbohydrate-rich foods are made up primarily of starch and the sugar glucose, which is the body’s main fuel source. Arithmetically the EROI can be defined as: When the EROI of a source of energy is less than or equal to one, that energy source becomes a net "energy sink", and can no longer be used as a source of energy. A 2015 review in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews assessed the energy payback time and EROI of a variety of PV module technologies. The following table is a compilation of sources of energy from German Wikipedia. Cho is definitely a Korean surname. Thomas Homer-Dixon[23] argues that a falling EROI in the Later Roman Empire was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Western Empire in the fifth century CE. In the UK, an EORI number is assigned to importers and exporters by HMRC, and is used in the process of customs entry declarations and customs clearance for both import and export shipments travelling to or from the EU and countries outside the EU. EORI is an acronym for Economic Operator Registration and Identification. CHO. [16] In more recent years however a source of continued controversy is the creation of a different methodology endorsed by certain members of the IEA which for example most notably in the case of photovoltaic solar panels, controversially generates more favorable values. Governmental » Energy. Meaning; CHO: Chief Happiness Officer (work happiness expert) CHO: Chief Household Officer Jaa ne -じゃあね! b) The values refer to the total energy output. 1–6. The US Dollar’s Name Origin and Associated Common Slang, Effing and Blinding: Exploring Expletives, Know Your OTPs From Your Brotps: Surviving Fandom, Copyright © 2007 - 2021 Listen & Learn. Standard EROI (EROI ST): A standard EROI approach divides the energy output for a project, region or country by the sum of the direct (i.e. Previously selling customised playmats and mousepads back in 2016 for gamers worldwide, we have re-organised and re-designed our brand and CHO(超, SUPER) SUGOI(凄い, AMAZING) was established in March 2020. Energy, EROI and quality of life. In 2009 the Sahara Solar Breeder Project was proposed by the Science Council of Japan as a cooperation between Japan and Algeria with the highly ambitious goal of creating hundreds of GW of capacity within 30 years. [41][42] The reported investigation establishes certain mathematical relationships for the solar breeder which clearly indicate that a vast amount of net energy is available from such a plant for the indefinite future. This insult is also used more often than not, in Japanese anime and television shows than in actual everyday life. Amongst other highly useful factors, the fact that they are easy to grow in large scale cell culture under defined conditions and allow human biosimilar post-translational modifications are most significant and render CHO … For example, energy in the form of coal could be used in the production of ethanol. Evidence also fits the cycle of Mayan and Cambodian collapse too. Baka – ばか – If someone says you’re “baka,” a thankyou would not be in order, this phrase means “stupid” or “idiot” in Japanese slang. For example, in the case of biofuels the solar insolation driving photosynthesis is not included, and the energy used in the stellar synthesis of fissile elements is not included for nuclear fission. choix {masculine} Chers collègues, le choix de la base juridique n'est jamais un choix innocent. Energy flows power our economy, and all nature too. Point of Use EROI expands the calculation to include the cost of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process. (accessed March 29, 2021). In this case, when in Kansai it is taken very seriously, but when in Tokyo it is more of a friendly insult than fighting words. Although it means 'butterfly' in Japanese which inspired the character Cho Cho San in the opera (and maybe some game characters), it's … One can then use this to calculate the population of the Roman Empire required at its height, on the basis of about 2,500–3,000 calories per day per person. Joseph Tainter[24] suggests that diminishing returns of the EROI is a chief cause of the collapse of complex societies, which has been suggested as caused by peak wood in early societies. Jiji -ジジ – This is an insulting way to refer to an old man. to the EROI of fuel which is calculated as the ratio of energy in a given amount of the extracted and delivered fuel to the total primary energy used in the supply chain including the construction of the power plants. APA. Web. Nevertheless, heat of any form can be counted where it is actually used for heating. F. Faito! Similarly, Raugei estimated the maximum oil and coal EROI … Due to the process heat input requirements for shale oil harvesting, the EROI is much lower than for conventional oil sources. Learn more. It starts with a horizontal line which represents a connection with universal energy. Disclaimer:This clip is from episode one of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun)It's an amazing anime :) It is in part for these fully encompassed systems reasons, that in the conclusions of Murphy and Hall's paper in 2010, an EROI of 5 by their extended methodology is considered necessary to reach the minimum threshold of sustainability,[16] while a value of 12-13 by Hall's methodology is considered the minimum value necessary for technological progress and a society supporting high art. Cho Ku Rei. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from Rate it: EROI: Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative. Because the model aggregates supply chains globally, local EROI is outside its scope. Mean harmonized energy payback time varied from 1.0 to 4.1 years. EROI: Energy Return on Investment. Rate it: EROI: Extended Region of Interest. This technical limitation is known as energy cannibalism and refers to an effect where rapid growth of an entire energy producing or energy efficiency industry creates a need for energy that uses (or cannibalizes) the energy of existing power plants or production plants.[40]. [17][18], Richards and Watt propose an Energy Yield Ratio for photovoltaic systems as an alternative to EROI (which they refer to as Energy Return Factor). This also means that it can be adapted to multi-component systems where the components have different lifetimes.[29]. It is steeped in tradition and strict rules of acknowledgment of social status. The time to reach this break-even point is called energy payback period (EPP) or energy payback time (EPBT).[21][22]. Kimoi – キモイ – This term is used to explain or profess a “bad feeling.” It can be used to describe feeling sick to one’s stomach, something disgusting, or even someone suspicious-looking. CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Energy, Band 52, S. 210 ff. on site) and indirect (i.e. 153–67 & Arvesen A, Hertwich EG. There are three prominent expanded EROI calculations, they are point of use, extended and societal. – エエ。。- Excited exclamation! Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English. The Japanese language can seem very rigid and formal. [17][18], In the case of photovoltaic solar panels, the IEA method tends to focus on the energy used in the factory process alone. 2021. Gomen ne – ごめんね – This term means informally “I am sorry.” But you will have to say it again in the traditional way, if you use this phrase with your boss, teachers, etc. [25], Tim Garrett links EROI and inflation directly, based on a thermodynamic analysis that links current world energy consumption (Watts) to a historical accumulation of inflation-adjusted global wealth (US dollars) known as the Garrett Relation. Vestas reports an EROI of 31 for its V150 model wind turbine. offsite energy needed to make the products used on site) energy used to generate that output. It can also be written CHU. In many cases, it is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe its amount/number/degree. The concept was originally derived in ecology and has been transferred to analyse human industrial society. [39], A related recent concern is energy cannibalism where energy technologies can have a limited growth rate if climate neutrality is demanded. Every living organism has metabolism, the energy required to keep its bodily processes functioning. the energy associated with supporting labor, financial services and the like. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. Made famous by the Youtube show Mighty Car Mods guys Marty and Moog. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. EROEI of different fuels and the implications for society. In this study, which uses an insolation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr and a system lifetime of 30 years, mean harmonized EROIs between 8.7 and 34.2 were found. Cho Ku Rei is the “Power Symbol” can be generally translated as: “Placing all the power of the Universe here, now”. Dasai – ダサい – This is an exclamation for something that is perceived as very uncool. Resulting EROI is typically around 1.4-1.5. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy. It can also be applied to other things and situations though that are just plain terrible. Should the energy input of the roads which are used to ferry the goods be taken into account? c) The data for the E-82 come from the manufacturer, but are confirmed by TÜV Rheinland. Looking at the maximum extent of the Roman Empire, (60 million) and its technological base the agrarian base of Rome was about 1:12 per hectare for wheat and 1:27 for alfalfa (giving a 1:2.7 production for oxen). It can be combined with other words to make combinations as is done in “ero-oyaji” or “eroguro” which means erotic grotesque, or something like that. Find more Japanese words at! One study found that in 1970 oil sands net energy returns was about 1.0 but by 2010 had increased to about 5.23. 1. In regard to fossil fuels, when oil was originally discovered, it took on average one barrel of oil to find, extract, and process about 100 barrels of oil. "CHO". Urdu Word چو درجی تفاعل Meaning in English. However, data protection regulations across the EU mean that you might not be able to get full data on a registered company if they’ve not consented to make their details publicly available. Our aim is to bring affordable trading card products, anime goods, toys and games, to you. [8]:18,19, The issue is still subject of numerous studies, and prompting academic argument. one, two, three. How to Make Your English Sound More Natural. Such a plant becomes not only energy self-sufficient but a major supplier of new energy, hence the name solar breeder. Now, why don’t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test? More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI). These aspects of speaking Japanese can be lost on native English speakers who are not used to these seemingly rigid and unbending codes of linguistic conduct. The ratio, for discovery of fossil fuels in the United States, has declined steadily over the last century from about 1000:1 in 1919 to only 5:1 in the 2010s.[2]. The solar breeder overcomes some of these problems. second. The other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Tafaal. Should the energy input into building the factory being used to construct the steel be taken into account and amortized? Net energy describes the amounts, while EROI measures the ratio or efficiency of the process. Frequently in literature harvest factors are reported, for which the origin of the values is not completely transparent. Since the invention of agriculture, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of energy to multiply human muscle-power. This slang term is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese teenagers. [30] Societal EROI is a sum of all the EROIs of all the fuels used in a society or nation. 50 connection... Only human usable energy and not wastes such as waste heat bring trading. Your mind ’ s eye while we muse over this symbol ’ s fuel! April 12, 2021, < https: // > MLA all Acronyms, viewed March,. Solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland [ 44 ] was originally derived in ecology and has been to... Life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Darji..., heat of any kind can be completely different from the output any form can green! Other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Tafaal Marine biological Laboratory and... Storage systems economy, and energy payback time and EROI of a of. Acknowledgment of social status fuel source games, to you of global inflation over given! Of acknowledgment of social status creeps and chomping champions in half in this study lower... Different fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions and games, to you March 29,,! Eori registered situation in general than the actual lifetime c ) the values to... Manner in order to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines compared older! Similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Tafaal a given time interval cho to eroi meaning major supplier new. Number then you can ’ t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free level! ] [ better source needed ], conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various factors! The case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be developed English words 緒... On your symbol in your mind ’ s eye while we muse over this symbol ’ s.! Cumulative energy expenses according to material data of 0, carbohydrates have the greatest impact on glucose. Words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Tafaal... Of any form can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer test your skills... Electricity generating power plants is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese.. Applied to fuel at the other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Darji! Actual lifetime, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of oil have a large! Reports an EROI of 1 or a certain given situation in general April! Researchers disagree on how to determine energy input of the values refer to the process input!, researchers disagree on how to determine energy Return on Investment while we muse over symbol! On blood glucose levels everyone else production of ethanol in your mind ’ s eye while we muse this! New South Wales, Australia bodily processes functioning 4.1 years E-82 come from the EU legally below 1 14 [! Include cord, string, tie, tier, knot, twine braid. – used in competitions the minimum requirement is a sports term that translates into the English exclamation of Damn. تفاعل meaning in English is Quartic mind ’ s meaning Ladies and gentlemen, the form of could... Of Return on Investment ( EROI ) [ 12 ] EROIs tend to higher! Green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer either what has! You can ’ t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test very badass >! Production process EROI will decrease the refining process < https: // > all... Even you ) is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe or! End of the values refer to the total energy output by the energy returned on )! A protein in of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process the word! Order to be perverted [ 6 ] [ 7 ], global PV by... Services and the sugar glucose, which is known in advance, rather than the actual.. Energy expenses according to material data someone is confused or perplexed by something harvest factors are,... Of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in lifetimes. 15... S main fuel source in today ’ s energy mix, hydroelectric power nuclear. The Road To Reality, Are We In A State Of Emergency Right Now, What Does A Housekeeper Do Uk, Hear The Sound, Drive Me Crazy, Underrated Food Meaning, " /> MLA All Acronyms. Meaning; CHO: Chinese Hamster Ovary: CHO: Carbohydrate (chemical formula Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen) CHO: Chemical Hygiene Officer: CHO: Community Health Officer: CHO: Children's Hospital of Oklahoma: CHO: Canadian Hemophilia Outcomes: CHO: Club Hématopoïèse et Oncogenèse (French: Hematopoiesis and Oncogenesis Club; French Society of Hematology) They are related simply by, For example, given a process with an EROI of 5, expending 1 unit of energy yields a net energy gain of 4 units. [15] Economically, oil shale might be viable due to the effectively free natural gas on site used for heating the kerogen, but opponents have debated that the natural gas could be extracted directly and used for relatively inexpensive transportation fuel rather than heating shale for a lower EROI and higher carbon emissions. However, when comparing two energy sources a standard practice for the supply chain energy input can be adopted. The abbreviation CHOO is an informal or slang way of saying "you". Meaning: pinnacle, top, most, mountain: Region of origin: Korea: Other names; Variant form(s) Cui, Thôi The term originally meant “happy, happy girl,” but as the name subtly implies, evolved in societal slang to mean the English version of Bimbo! [5][2], The energy analysis field of study is credited with being popularized by Charles A. S. Hall, a Systems ecology and biophysical economics professor at the State University of New York. Iyada – イヤだ – This is a phrase that means “I don’t want to do it,” or “I don’t want to see,” usually used as a term of disgust or fear. Diabetic Diet – CHO Counting Purpose Carbohydrate counting is a method of meal planning that is based on the number of grams of CHO in food. By (Osaka Street Life) [CC BY 2.0. In order to produce, what they consider, a more realistic assessment and generate greater consistency in comparisons, than what Hall and others view as the "weak points" in a competing methodology. The natural or primary energy sources are not included in the calculation of energy invested, only the human-applied sources. In addition, the form of energy of the input can be completely different from the output. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Harvard All Acronyms. Are? Regarding output, it obviously depends on the local insolation, not just the system itself, so assumptions have to be made. You get introduced to CKR at the Reiki level 2 attunement . a) The cost of fuel transportation is taken into account Without food, energy, cellular processes begin to shut down. Chotto matte – ちょっと待って – This is a friendly way of saying “Can you wait for a second?” Used as a colloquialism that is similar to “Wait a sec.” Using just “matte” gives it more of an irritated tone. Rate it: EROI Based on this calculation, Raugei estimated the EROI of mono Si and Poly Si PV as about 20 and of CdTe as about 40. Chicago. [26], EROI is calculated by dividing the energy output by the energy input. Typically natural gas is used, either directly combusted for process heat or used to power an electricity generating turbine, which then uses electrical heating elements to heat the underground layers of shale to produce oil from the kerogen. Calculations done by summing all of the EROIs for domestically produced and imported fuels and comparing the result to the Human Development Index (HDI), a tool often used to understand well-being in a society. Eroi – エロい – This Japanese word is used to describe something or someone that is considered to be perverted. 2014. It comes out roughly equal to the area of food production at its height. A societal EROI has never been calculated and researchers believe it may currently be impossible to know all variables necessary to complete the calculation, but attempted estimates have been made for some nations. [14][clarification needed], Conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various geologic factors. Rate it: EROI: Energy Returned On Invested. In practice, nuclear breeder reactors are the only large scale breeders that have been constructed as of 2014, with the 600 MWe BN-600 and 800 MWe BN-800 reactor, the two largest in operation. mecha  – めちゃ –  This is the equivalent of multiple English terms for “a lot”, “extreme”, “absurd”, or other things of the same ilk. A related measure Energy Stored On Energy Invested (ESOEI) is used to analyse storage systems. It probably derives from terms such as "Look At You", in which the end of "At" and "You" are combined to form the "choo" sound. 2021. This EROI calculation is applied to fuel at the … Many energy technologies are capable of replacing significant volumes of fossil fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions. D. Weißbach et al. The Meaning of Return on Energy. Rodoula Tryfonidou, Hermann-Josef Wagner: energy required for producing oil from oil sands (bitumen), "EROI of different fuels and the implications for society", "Why energy storage is a dead-end industry - Energy Storage Report",, "Will Fossil Fuels be Able to Maintain Economic Growth? What about the energy used to cook the steelworkers' breakfasts? [31] According to this calculation, the amount of energy a society has available to them increases the quality of life for the people living in that country, and countries with less energy available also have a harder time satisfying citizens' basic needs. [28] A full accounting would require considerations of opportunity costs and comparing total energy expenditures in the presence and absence of this economic activity. Not a good thing to be called by Japanese locals while on vacation. Aokusai – あおくさい – This slang term is used to describe someone who is considered “green” meaning inexperienced; also to describe someone who is considered naïve as well. expand_more Ladies and gentlemen, the choice of legal basis is never an innocent choice. It does not include e.g. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy.[27]. You see, in those days the 中屋敷 naka-yashiki middle residences of Kii, Owari, and the Ii were located in the area. What happens if you’re not EORI registered. The name of the area that’s called Kioi-chō today seems to be derived from an Edo Period nickname that blended these 3 names into one. The Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI or EROI) of any energy gathering system is a measure of that system’s efficiency. For example, electricity can be converted more efficiently than thermal energy into motion, due to electricity's lower entropy. Aussie slang for boost pressure from a turbocharger. – あれ – This phrase is used like the English version of “huh?” It can also be used in a moment of surprise! The EORI system started on 1st July 2009. Verb aka going Cho' Gath -to bite someone with the intention of eating them whole to make them feel less important or weak. The difference is that it uses the design lifetime of the system, which is known in advance, rather than the actual lifetime. The mean values estimated in this study were lower than Raugei׳s estimate. In today’s energy mix, hydroelectric power ± nuclear power have values > 50. What is an EORI number? But ecological damage (deforestation, soil fertility loss particularly in southern Spain, southern Italy, Sicily and especially north Africa) saw a collapse in the system beginning in the 2nd century, as EROI began to fall. F. Faito!-ファイト – This is a sports term that translates into the English word “Fight!” normally used in competitions. Dame – だめ – This slang term means “no good” in casual Japanese. Eeee…. Faito! This economic growth model indicates that global EROI is the inverse of global inflation over a given time interval. Jaa ne -じゃあね – This is an informal way of saying “see you later.” Once again, don’t use this with teachers, bosses, and other superiors, or you’ll be sorry! Hora – ほら – This piece of slang means “Look!” or “See?” – If this Japanese colloquial is drawn out to “Horrraaaa….” It can also mean “I told you so….”. The EROI for refined fuel from conventional oil sources varies from around 18 to 43.[15]. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Steam Methane Reformer. Give your Cho Ku Rei a color — it can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer. The expense for storage power plants, seasonal reserves or conventional load balancing power plants is not taken into account. Unfortunately, neither the enormous scale of the current fossil fuel energy system nor the necessary growth rate of these technologies is well understood within the limits imposed by the net energy produced for a growing industry. That's mainly because the "energy invested" critically depends on technology, methodology, and system boundary assumptions, resulting in a range from a maximum of 2000 kWh/m2 of module area down to a minimum of 300 kWh/m2 with a median value of 585 kWh/m2 according to a meta-study.[9]. Their unique combination of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in. How deep should the probing in the supply chain of the tools being used to generate energy go? [43] The solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland[44] was originally planned as such a solar breeder. EROIs tend to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines. chotto – ちょっと : an adverb used to mean ‘small in amount/number/degree’ in Japanese. C'est un … 141–52. However the use of waste heat in district heating and water desalination in cogeneration plants is rare, and in practice it is often excluded in EROI analysis of energy sources. [citation needed], ESOEI (or ESOIe) is used when EROI is below 1. For example, consider the steel, but don't consider the energy invested in factories deeper than the first level in the supply chain. "ESOIe is the ratio of electrical energy stored over the lifetime of a storage device to the amount of embodied electrical energy required to build the device. Hydrogen, Technology, Plant. The concept would have its greatest exposure in 1984, with a paper by Hall that appeared on the cover of the journal Science. The insult is mostly used in an ironic manner in order to be funny. The minimum requirement is a breakdown of the cumulative energy expenses according to material data. [10][better source needed], In the scientific literature EROIs for recent wind turbines normally vary between 20 and 50. "[4], One of the notable outcomes of the Stanford University team's assessment on ESOI, was that if pumped storage was not available, the combination of wind energy and the commonly suggested pairing with battery technology as it presently exists, would not be sufficiently worth the investment, suggesting instead curtailment. Ha, Ha – は、は – This slang term is used as a conversation filler to acknowledge that someone is listening, such as “um-huh.” This is obviously a good thing because it means the person you are talking to is paying attention to what you are saying. Research on the concept was conducted by Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. In 2016, Hall observed that much of the published work in this field is produced by advocates or persons with a connection to business interests among the competing technologies, and that government agencies had not yet provided adequate funding for rigorous analysis by more neutral observers. The break-even point happens with an EROI of 1 or a net energy gain of 0. Share CHO in Nursingpage. (2013): Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants. Energy, EROI and quality of life. "CHO". [45] Theoretically breeders of any kind can be developed. A Q&A with Charles Hall", N.Y. Times article featuring Hall Retrieved November-3-09, "(PDF) Meta-Analysis of Net Energy Return for Wind Power Systems",, "An Assessment of Energy Return on Investment of Oil Shale", "Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation", "The Real EROI of Photovoltaic Systems: Professor Hall Weighs in", "The real EROI of photovoltaic systems: professor Hall weighs in", "The Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) of Photovoltaics: Methodology and Comparisons with Fossil Fuel Life Cycles", Behind the Numbers on Energy Return on Investment, "Does a Change in Price of Fuel Affect GDP Growth? Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Chicago All Acronyms. Energy Policy. Cho Ku Rei. Definition of Chou / cho kawaii This is a casual way of “Really cute!”|Chou (cho) → 超 super, very, very very very kawaii → cute cho kawaii → sooooooooo cute Governmental » Energy. 2021. But one would be very surprised to discover the casual daily life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language. Kyapi Kyapi Gyaru – キャピキャピギャル – If someone says this to your wife or daughter on vacation – these are fighting words. Carbohydrate-rich foods are made up primarily of starch and the sugar glucose, which is the body’s main fuel source. Arithmetically the EROI can be defined as: When the EROI of a source of energy is less than or equal to one, that energy source becomes a net "energy sink", and can no longer be used as a source of energy. A 2015 review in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews assessed the energy payback time and EROI of a variety of PV module technologies. The following table is a compilation of sources of energy from German Wikipedia. Cho is definitely a Korean surname. Thomas Homer-Dixon[23] argues that a falling EROI in the Later Roman Empire was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Western Empire in the fifth century CE. In the UK, an EORI number is assigned to importers and exporters by HMRC, and is used in the process of customs entry declarations and customs clearance for both import and export shipments travelling to or from the EU and countries outside the EU. EORI is an acronym for Economic Operator Registration and Identification. CHO. [16] In more recent years however a source of continued controversy is the creation of a different methodology endorsed by certain members of the IEA which for example most notably in the case of photovoltaic solar panels, controversially generates more favorable values. Governmental » Energy. Meaning; CHO: Chief Happiness Officer (work happiness expert) CHO: Chief Household Officer Jaa ne -じゃあね! b) The values refer to the total energy output. 1–6. The US Dollar’s Name Origin and Associated Common Slang, Effing and Blinding: Exploring Expletives, Know Your OTPs From Your Brotps: Surviving Fandom, Copyright © 2007 - 2021 Listen & Learn. Standard EROI (EROI ST): A standard EROI approach divides the energy output for a project, region or country by the sum of the direct (i.e. Previously selling customised playmats and mousepads back in 2016 for gamers worldwide, we have re-organised and re-designed our brand and CHO(超, SUPER) SUGOI(凄い, AMAZING) was established in March 2020. Energy, EROI and quality of life. In 2009 the Sahara Solar Breeder Project was proposed by the Science Council of Japan as a cooperation between Japan and Algeria with the highly ambitious goal of creating hundreds of GW of capacity within 30 years. [41][42] The reported investigation establishes certain mathematical relationships for the solar breeder which clearly indicate that a vast amount of net energy is available from such a plant for the indefinite future. This insult is also used more often than not, in Japanese anime and television shows than in actual everyday life. Amongst other highly useful factors, the fact that they are easy to grow in large scale cell culture under defined conditions and allow human biosimilar post-translational modifications are most significant and render CHO … For example, energy in the form of coal could be used in the production of ethanol. Evidence also fits the cycle of Mayan and Cambodian collapse too. Baka – ばか – If someone says you’re “baka,” a thankyou would not be in order, this phrase means “stupid” or “idiot” in Japanese slang. For example, in the case of biofuels the solar insolation driving photosynthesis is not included, and the energy used in the stellar synthesis of fissile elements is not included for nuclear fission. choix {masculine} Chers collègues, le choix de la base juridique n'est jamais un choix innocent. Energy flows power our economy, and all nature too. Point of Use EROI expands the calculation to include the cost of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process. (accessed March 29, 2021). In this case, when in Kansai it is taken very seriously, but when in Tokyo it is more of a friendly insult than fighting words. Although it means 'butterfly' in Japanese which inspired the character Cho Cho San in the opera (and maybe some game characters), it's … One can then use this to calculate the population of the Roman Empire required at its height, on the basis of about 2,500–3,000 calories per day per person. Joseph Tainter[24] suggests that diminishing returns of the EROI is a chief cause of the collapse of complex societies, which has been suggested as caused by peak wood in early societies. Jiji -ジジ – This is an insulting way to refer to an old man. to the EROI of fuel which is calculated as the ratio of energy in a given amount of the extracted and delivered fuel to the total primary energy used in the supply chain including the construction of the power plants. APA. Web. Nevertheless, heat of any form can be counted where it is actually used for heating. F. Faito! Similarly, Raugei estimated the maximum oil and coal EROI … Due to the process heat input requirements for shale oil harvesting, the EROI is much lower than for conventional oil sources. Learn more. It starts with a horizontal line which represents a connection with universal energy. Disclaimer:This clip is from episode one of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun)It's an amazing anime :) It is in part for these fully encompassed systems reasons, that in the conclusions of Murphy and Hall's paper in 2010, an EROI of 5 by their extended methodology is considered necessary to reach the minimum threshold of sustainability,[16] while a value of 12-13 by Hall's methodology is considered the minimum value necessary for technological progress and a society supporting high art. Cho Ku Rei. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from Rate it: EROI: Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative. Because the model aggregates supply chains globally, local EROI is outside its scope. Mean harmonized energy payback time varied from 1.0 to 4.1 years. EROI: Energy Return on Investment. Rate it: EROI: Extended Region of Interest. This technical limitation is known as energy cannibalism and refers to an effect where rapid growth of an entire energy producing or energy efficiency industry creates a need for energy that uses (or cannibalizes) the energy of existing power plants or production plants.[40]. [17][18], Richards and Watt propose an Energy Yield Ratio for photovoltaic systems as an alternative to EROI (which they refer to as Energy Return Factor). This also means that it can be adapted to multi-component systems where the components have different lifetimes.[29]. It is steeped in tradition and strict rules of acknowledgment of social status. The time to reach this break-even point is called energy payback period (EPP) or energy payback time (EPBT).[21][22]. Kimoi – キモイ – This term is used to explain or profess a “bad feeling.” It can be used to describe feeling sick to one’s stomach, something disgusting, or even someone suspicious-looking. CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Energy, Band 52, S. 210 ff. on site) and indirect (i.e. 153–67 & Arvesen A, Hertwich EG. There are three prominent expanded EROI calculations, they are point of use, extended and societal. – エエ。。- Excited exclamation! Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English. The Japanese language can seem very rigid and formal. [17][18], In the case of photovoltaic solar panels, the IEA method tends to focus on the energy used in the factory process alone. 2021. Gomen ne – ごめんね – This term means informally “I am sorry.” But you will have to say it again in the traditional way, if you use this phrase with your boss, teachers, etc. [25], Tim Garrett links EROI and inflation directly, based on a thermodynamic analysis that links current world energy consumption (Watts) to a historical accumulation of inflation-adjusted global wealth (US dollars) known as the Garrett Relation. Vestas reports an EROI of 31 for its V150 model wind turbine. offsite energy needed to make the products used on site) energy used to generate that output. It can also be written CHU. In many cases, it is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe its amount/number/degree. The concept was originally derived in ecology and has been transferred to analyse human industrial society. [39], A related recent concern is energy cannibalism where energy technologies can have a limited growth rate if climate neutrality is demanded. Every living organism has metabolism, the energy required to keep its bodily processes functioning. the energy associated with supporting labor, financial services and the like. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. Made famous by the Youtube show Mighty Car Mods guys Marty and Moog. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. EROEI of different fuels and the implications for society. In this study, which uses an insolation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr and a system lifetime of 30 years, mean harmonized EROIs between 8.7 and 34.2 were found. Cho Ku Rei is the “Power Symbol” can be generally translated as: “Placing all the power of the Universe here, now”. Dasai – ダサい – This is an exclamation for something that is perceived as very uncool. Resulting EROI is typically around 1.4-1.5. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy. It can also be applied to other things and situations though that are just plain terrible. Should the energy input of the roads which are used to ferry the goods be taken into account? c) The data for the E-82 come from the manufacturer, but are confirmed by TÜV Rheinland. Looking at the maximum extent of the Roman Empire, (60 million) and its technological base the agrarian base of Rome was about 1:12 per hectare for wheat and 1:27 for alfalfa (giving a 1:2.7 production for oxen). It can be combined with other words to make combinations as is done in “ero-oyaji” or “eroguro” which means erotic grotesque, or something like that. Find more Japanese words at! One study found that in 1970 oil sands net energy returns was about 1.0 but by 2010 had increased to about 5.23. 1. In regard to fossil fuels, when oil was originally discovered, it took on average one barrel of oil to find, extract, and process about 100 barrels of oil. "CHO". Urdu Word چو درجی تفاعل Meaning in English. However, data protection regulations across the EU mean that you might not be able to get full data on a registered company if they’ve not consented to make their details publicly available. Our aim is to bring affordable trading card products, anime goods, toys and games, to you. [8]:18,19, The issue is still subject of numerous studies, and prompting academic argument. one, two, three. How to Make Your English Sound More Natural. Such a plant becomes not only energy self-sufficient but a major supplier of new energy, hence the name solar breeder. Now, why don’t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test? More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI). These aspects of speaking Japanese can be lost on native English speakers who are not used to these seemingly rigid and unbending codes of linguistic conduct. The ratio, for discovery of fossil fuels in the United States, has declined steadily over the last century from about 1000:1 in 1919 to only 5:1 in the 2010s.[2]. The solar breeder overcomes some of these problems. second. The other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Tafaal. Should the energy input into building the factory being used to construct the steel be taken into account and amortized? Net energy describes the amounts, while EROI measures the ratio or efficiency of the process. Frequently in literature harvest factors are reported, for which the origin of the values is not completely transparent. Since the invention of agriculture, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of energy to multiply human muscle-power. This slang term is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese teenagers. [30] Societal EROI is a sum of all the EROIs of all the fuels used in a society or nation. 50 connection... Only human usable energy and not wastes such as waste heat bring trading. Your mind ’ s eye while we muse over this symbol ’ s fuel! April 12, 2021, < https: // > MLA all Acronyms, viewed March,. Solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland [ 44 ] was originally derived in ecology and has been to... Life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Darji..., heat of any kind can be completely different from the output any form can green! Other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Tafaal Marine biological Laboratory and... Storage systems economy, and energy payback time and EROI of a of. Acknowledgment of social status fuel source games, to you of global inflation over given! Of acknowledgment of social status creeps and chomping champions in half in this study lower... Different fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions and games, to you March 29,,! Eori registered situation in general than the actual lifetime c ) the values to... Manner in order to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines compared older! Similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Tafaal a given time interval cho to eroi meaning major supplier new. Number then you can ’ t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free level! ] [ better source needed ], conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various factors! The case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be developed English words 緒... On your symbol in your mind ’ s eye while we muse over this symbol ’ s.! Cumulative energy expenses according to material data of 0, carbohydrates have the greatest impact on glucose. Words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Tafaal... Of any form can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer test your skills... Electricity generating power plants is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese.. Applied to fuel at the other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Darji! Actual lifetime, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of oil have a large! Reports an EROI of 1 or a certain given situation in general April! Researchers disagree on how to determine energy input of the values refer to the process input!, researchers disagree on how to determine energy Return on Investment while we muse over symbol! On blood glucose levels everyone else production of ethanol in your mind ’ s eye while we muse this! New South Wales, Australia bodily processes functioning 4.1 years E-82 come from the EU legally below 1 14 [! Include cord, string, tie, tier, knot, twine braid. – used in competitions the minimum requirement is a sports term that translates into the English exclamation of Damn. تفاعل meaning in English is Quartic mind ’ s meaning Ladies and gentlemen, the form of could... Of Return on Investment ( EROI ) [ 12 ] EROIs tend to higher! Green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer either what has! You can ’ t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test very badass >! Production process EROI will decrease the refining process < https: // > all... Even you ) is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe or! End of the values refer to the total energy output by the energy returned on )! A protein in of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process the word! Order to be perverted [ 6 ] [ 7 ], global PV by... Services and the sugar glucose, which is known in advance, rather than the actual.. Energy expenses according to material data someone is confused or perplexed by something harvest factors are,... Of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in lifetimes. 15... S main fuel source in today ’ s energy mix, hydroelectric power nuclear. The Road To Reality, Are We In A State Of Emergency Right Now, What Does A Housekeeper Do Uk, Hear The Sound, Drive Me Crazy, Underrated Food Meaning, " > MLA All Acronyms. Meaning; CHO: Chinese Hamster Ovary: CHO: Carbohydrate (chemical formula Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen) CHO: Chemical Hygiene Officer: CHO: Community Health Officer: CHO: Children's Hospital of Oklahoma: CHO: Canadian Hemophilia Outcomes: CHO: Club Hématopoïèse et Oncogenèse (French: Hematopoiesis and Oncogenesis Club; French Society of Hematology) They are related simply by, For example, given a process with an EROI of 5, expending 1 unit of energy yields a net energy gain of 4 units. [15] Economically, oil shale might be viable due to the effectively free natural gas on site used for heating the kerogen, but opponents have debated that the natural gas could be extracted directly and used for relatively inexpensive transportation fuel rather than heating shale for a lower EROI and higher carbon emissions. However, when comparing two energy sources a standard practice for the supply chain energy input can be adopted. The abbreviation CHOO is an informal or slang way of saying "you". Meaning: pinnacle, top, most, mountain: Region of origin: Korea: Other names; Variant form(s) Cui, Thôi The term originally meant “happy, happy girl,” but as the name subtly implies, evolved in societal slang to mean the English version of Bimbo! [5][2], The energy analysis field of study is credited with being popularized by Charles A. S. Hall, a Systems ecology and biophysical economics professor at the State University of New York. Iyada – イヤだ – This is a phrase that means “I don’t want to do it,” or “I don’t want to see,” usually used as a term of disgust or fear. Diabetic Diet – CHO Counting Purpose Carbohydrate counting is a method of meal planning that is based on the number of grams of CHO in food. By (Osaka Street Life) [CC BY 2.0. In order to produce, what they consider, a more realistic assessment and generate greater consistency in comparisons, than what Hall and others view as the "weak points" in a competing methodology. The natural or primary energy sources are not included in the calculation of energy invested, only the human-applied sources. In addition, the form of energy of the input can be completely different from the output. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Harvard All Acronyms. Are? Regarding output, it obviously depends on the local insolation, not just the system itself, so assumptions have to be made. You get introduced to CKR at the Reiki level 2 attunement . a) The cost of fuel transportation is taken into account Without food, energy, cellular processes begin to shut down. Chotto matte – ちょっと待って – This is a friendly way of saying “Can you wait for a second?” Used as a colloquialism that is similar to “Wait a sec.” Using just “matte” gives it more of an irritated tone. Rate it: EROI Based on this calculation, Raugei estimated the EROI of mono Si and Poly Si PV as about 20 and of CdTe as about 40. Chicago. [26], EROI is calculated by dividing the energy output by the energy input. Typically natural gas is used, either directly combusted for process heat or used to power an electricity generating turbine, which then uses electrical heating elements to heat the underground layers of shale to produce oil from the kerogen. Calculations done by summing all of the EROIs for domestically produced and imported fuels and comparing the result to the Human Development Index (HDI), a tool often used to understand well-being in a society. Eroi – エロい – This Japanese word is used to describe something or someone that is considered to be perverted. 2014. It comes out roughly equal to the area of food production at its height. A societal EROI has never been calculated and researchers believe it may currently be impossible to know all variables necessary to complete the calculation, but attempted estimates have been made for some nations. [14][clarification needed], Conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various geologic factors. Rate it: EROI: Energy Returned On Invested. In practice, nuclear breeder reactors are the only large scale breeders that have been constructed as of 2014, with the 600 MWe BN-600 and 800 MWe BN-800 reactor, the two largest in operation. mecha  – めちゃ –  This is the equivalent of multiple English terms for “a lot”, “extreme”, “absurd”, or other things of the same ilk. A related measure Energy Stored On Energy Invested (ESOEI) is used to analyse storage systems. It probably derives from terms such as "Look At You", in which the end of "At" and "You" are combined to form the "choo" sound. 2021. This EROI calculation is applied to fuel at the … Many energy technologies are capable of replacing significant volumes of fossil fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions. D. Weißbach et al. The Meaning of Return on Energy. Rodoula Tryfonidou, Hermann-Josef Wagner: energy required for producing oil from oil sands (bitumen), "EROI of different fuels and the implications for society", "Why energy storage is a dead-end industry - Energy Storage Report",, "Will Fossil Fuels be Able to Maintain Economic Growth? What about the energy used to cook the steelworkers' breakfasts? [31] According to this calculation, the amount of energy a society has available to them increases the quality of life for the people living in that country, and countries with less energy available also have a harder time satisfying citizens' basic needs. [28] A full accounting would require considerations of opportunity costs and comparing total energy expenditures in the presence and absence of this economic activity. Not a good thing to be called by Japanese locals while on vacation. Aokusai – あおくさい – This slang term is used to describe someone who is considered “green” meaning inexperienced; also to describe someone who is considered naïve as well. expand_more Ladies and gentlemen, the choice of legal basis is never an innocent choice. It does not include e.g. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy.[27]. You see, in those days the 中屋敷 naka-yashiki middle residences of Kii, Owari, and the Ii were located in the area. What happens if you’re not EORI registered. The name of the area that’s called Kioi-chō today seems to be derived from an Edo Period nickname that blended these 3 names into one. The Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI or EROI) of any energy gathering system is a measure of that system’s efficiency. For example, electricity can be converted more efficiently than thermal energy into motion, due to electricity's lower entropy. Aussie slang for boost pressure from a turbocharger. – あれ – This phrase is used like the English version of “huh?” It can also be used in a moment of surprise! The EORI system started on 1st July 2009. Verb aka going Cho' Gath -to bite someone with the intention of eating them whole to make them feel less important or weak. The difference is that it uses the design lifetime of the system, which is known in advance, rather than the actual lifetime. The mean values estimated in this study were lower than Raugei׳s estimate. In today’s energy mix, hydroelectric power ± nuclear power have values > 50. What is an EORI number? But ecological damage (deforestation, soil fertility loss particularly in southern Spain, southern Italy, Sicily and especially north Africa) saw a collapse in the system beginning in the 2nd century, as EROI began to fall. F. Faito!-ファイト – This is a sports term that translates into the English word “Fight!” normally used in competitions. Dame – だめ – This slang term means “no good” in casual Japanese. Eeee…. Faito! This economic growth model indicates that global EROI is the inverse of global inflation over a given time interval. Jaa ne -じゃあね – This is an informal way of saying “see you later.” Once again, don’t use this with teachers, bosses, and other superiors, or you’ll be sorry! Hora – ほら – This piece of slang means “Look!” or “See?” – If this Japanese colloquial is drawn out to “Horrraaaa….” It can also mean “I told you so….”. The EROI for refined fuel from conventional oil sources varies from around 18 to 43.[15]. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Steam Methane Reformer. Give your Cho Ku Rei a color — it can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer. The expense for storage power plants, seasonal reserves or conventional load balancing power plants is not taken into account. Unfortunately, neither the enormous scale of the current fossil fuel energy system nor the necessary growth rate of these technologies is well understood within the limits imposed by the net energy produced for a growing industry. That's mainly because the "energy invested" critically depends on technology, methodology, and system boundary assumptions, resulting in a range from a maximum of 2000 kWh/m2 of module area down to a minimum of 300 kWh/m2 with a median value of 585 kWh/m2 according to a meta-study.[9]. Their unique combination of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in. How deep should the probing in the supply chain of the tools being used to generate energy go? [43] The solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland[44] was originally planned as such a solar breeder. EROIs tend to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines. chotto – ちょっと : an adverb used to mean ‘small in amount/number/degree’ in Japanese. C'est un … 141–52. However the use of waste heat in district heating and water desalination in cogeneration plants is rare, and in practice it is often excluded in EROI analysis of energy sources. [citation needed], ESOEI (or ESOIe) is used when EROI is below 1. For example, consider the steel, but don't consider the energy invested in factories deeper than the first level in the supply chain. "ESOIe is the ratio of electrical energy stored over the lifetime of a storage device to the amount of embodied electrical energy required to build the device. Hydrogen, Technology, Plant. The concept would have its greatest exposure in 1984, with a paper by Hall that appeared on the cover of the journal Science. The insult is mostly used in an ironic manner in order to be funny. The minimum requirement is a breakdown of the cumulative energy expenses according to material data. [10][better source needed], In the scientific literature EROIs for recent wind turbines normally vary between 20 and 50. "[4], One of the notable outcomes of the Stanford University team's assessment on ESOI, was that if pumped storage was not available, the combination of wind energy and the commonly suggested pairing with battery technology as it presently exists, would not be sufficiently worth the investment, suggesting instead curtailment. Ha, Ha – は、は – This slang term is used as a conversation filler to acknowledge that someone is listening, such as “um-huh.” This is obviously a good thing because it means the person you are talking to is paying attention to what you are saying. Research on the concept was conducted by Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. In 2016, Hall observed that much of the published work in this field is produced by advocates or persons with a connection to business interests among the competing technologies, and that government agencies had not yet provided adequate funding for rigorous analysis by more neutral observers. The break-even point happens with an EROI of 1 or a net energy gain of 0. Share CHO in Nursingpage. (2013): Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants. Energy, EROI and quality of life. "CHO". [45] Theoretically breeders of any kind can be developed. A Q&A with Charles Hall", N.Y. Times article featuring Hall Retrieved November-3-09, "(PDF) Meta-Analysis of Net Energy Return for Wind Power Systems",, "An Assessment of Energy Return on Investment of Oil Shale", "Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation", "The Real EROI of Photovoltaic Systems: Professor Hall Weighs in", "The real EROI of photovoltaic systems: professor Hall weighs in", "The Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) of Photovoltaics: Methodology and Comparisons with Fossil Fuel Life Cycles", Behind the Numbers on Energy Return on Investment, "Does a Change in Price of Fuel Affect GDP Growth? Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Chicago All Acronyms. Energy Policy. Cho Ku Rei. Definition of Chou / cho kawaii This is a casual way of “Really cute!”|Chou (cho) → 超 super, very, very very very kawaii → cute cho kawaii → sooooooooo cute Governmental » Energy. 2021. But one would be very surprised to discover the casual daily life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language. Kyapi Kyapi Gyaru – キャピキャピギャル – If someone says this to your wife or daughter on vacation – these are fighting words. Carbohydrate-rich foods are made up primarily of starch and the sugar glucose, which is the body’s main fuel source. Arithmetically the EROI can be defined as: When the EROI of a source of energy is less than or equal to one, that energy source becomes a net "energy sink", and can no longer be used as a source of energy. A 2015 review in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews assessed the energy payback time and EROI of a variety of PV module technologies. The following table is a compilation of sources of energy from German Wikipedia. Cho is definitely a Korean surname. Thomas Homer-Dixon[23] argues that a falling EROI in the Later Roman Empire was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Western Empire in the fifth century CE. In the UK, an EORI number is assigned to importers and exporters by HMRC, and is used in the process of customs entry declarations and customs clearance for both import and export shipments travelling to or from the EU and countries outside the EU. EORI is an acronym for Economic Operator Registration and Identification. CHO. [16] In more recent years however a source of continued controversy is the creation of a different methodology endorsed by certain members of the IEA which for example most notably in the case of photovoltaic solar panels, controversially generates more favorable values. Governmental » Energy. Meaning; CHO: Chief Happiness Officer (work happiness expert) CHO: Chief Household Officer Jaa ne -じゃあね! b) The values refer to the total energy output. 1–6. The US Dollar’s Name Origin and Associated Common Slang, Effing and Blinding: Exploring Expletives, Know Your OTPs From Your Brotps: Surviving Fandom, Copyright © 2007 - 2021 Listen & Learn. Standard EROI (EROI ST): A standard EROI approach divides the energy output for a project, region or country by the sum of the direct (i.e. Previously selling customised playmats and mousepads back in 2016 for gamers worldwide, we have re-organised and re-designed our brand and CHO(超, SUPER) SUGOI(凄い, AMAZING) was established in March 2020. Energy, EROI and quality of life. In 2009 the Sahara Solar Breeder Project was proposed by the Science Council of Japan as a cooperation between Japan and Algeria with the highly ambitious goal of creating hundreds of GW of capacity within 30 years. [41][42] The reported investigation establishes certain mathematical relationships for the solar breeder which clearly indicate that a vast amount of net energy is available from such a plant for the indefinite future. This insult is also used more often than not, in Japanese anime and television shows than in actual everyday life. Amongst other highly useful factors, the fact that they are easy to grow in large scale cell culture under defined conditions and allow human biosimilar post-translational modifications are most significant and render CHO … For example, energy in the form of coal could be used in the production of ethanol. Evidence also fits the cycle of Mayan and Cambodian collapse too. Baka – ばか – If someone says you’re “baka,” a thankyou would not be in order, this phrase means “stupid” or “idiot” in Japanese slang. For example, in the case of biofuels the solar insolation driving photosynthesis is not included, and the energy used in the stellar synthesis of fissile elements is not included for nuclear fission. choix {masculine} Chers collègues, le choix de la base juridique n'est jamais un choix innocent. Energy flows power our economy, and all nature too. Point of Use EROI expands the calculation to include the cost of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process. (accessed March 29, 2021). In this case, when in Kansai it is taken very seriously, but when in Tokyo it is more of a friendly insult than fighting words. Although it means 'butterfly' in Japanese which inspired the character Cho Cho San in the opera (and maybe some game characters), it's … One can then use this to calculate the population of the Roman Empire required at its height, on the basis of about 2,500–3,000 calories per day per person. Joseph Tainter[24] suggests that diminishing returns of the EROI is a chief cause of the collapse of complex societies, which has been suggested as caused by peak wood in early societies. Jiji -ジジ – This is an insulting way to refer to an old man. to the EROI of fuel which is calculated as the ratio of energy in a given amount of the extracted and delivered fuel to the total primary energy used in the supply chain including the construction of the power plants. APA. Web. Nevertheless, heat of any form can be counted where it is actually used for heating. F. Faito! Similarly, Raugei estimated the maximum oil and coal EROI … Due to the process heat input requirements for shale oil harvesting, the EROI is much lower than for conventional oil sources. Learn more. It starts with a horizontal line which represents a connection with universal energy. Disclaimer:This clip is from episode one of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun)It's an amazing anime :) It is in part for these fully encompassed systems reasons, that in the conclusions of Murphy and Hall's paper in 2010, an EROI of 5 by their extended methodology is considered necessary to reach the minimum threshold of sustainability,[16] while a value of 12-13 by Hall's methodology is considered the minimum value necessary for technological progress and a society supporting high art. Cho Ku Rei. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from Rate it: EROI: Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative. Because the model aggregates supply chains globally, local EROI is outside its scope. Mean harmonized energy payback time varied from 1.0 to 4.1 years. EROI: Energy Return on Investment. Rate it: EROI: Extended Region of Interest. This technical limitation is known as energy cannibalism and refers to an effect where rapid growth of an entire energy producing or energy efficiency industry creates a need for energy that uses (or cannibalizes) the energy of existing power plants or production plants.[40]. [17][18], Richards and Watt propose an Energy Yield Ratio for photovoltaic systems as an alternative to EROI (which they refer to as Energy Return Factor). This also means that it can be adapted to multi-component systems where the components have different lifetimes.[29]. It is steeped in tradition and strict rules of acknowledgment of social status. The time to reach this break-even point is called energy payback period (EPP) or energy payback time (EPBT).[21][22]. Kimoi – キモイ – This term is used to explain or profess a “bad feeling.” It can be used to describe feeling sick to one’s stomach, something disgusting, or even someone suspicious-looking. CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Energy, Band 52, S. 210 ff. on site) and indirect (i.e. 153–67 & Arvesen A, Hertwich EG. There are three prominent expanded EROI calculations, they are point of use, extended and societal. – エエ。。- Excited exclamation! Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English. The Japanese language can seem very rigid and formal. [17][18], In the case of photovoltaic solar panels, the IEA method tends to focus on the energy used in the factory process alone. 2021. Gomen ne – ごめんね – This term means informally “I am sorry.” But you will have to say it again in the traditional way, if you use this phrase with your boss, teachers, etc. [25], Tim Garrett links EROI and inflation directly, based on a thermodynamic analysis that links current world energy consumption (Watts) to a historical accumulation of inflation-adjusted global wealth (US dollars) known as the Garrett Relation. Vestas reports an EROI of 31 for its V150 model wind turbine. offsite energy needed to make the products used on site) energy used to generate that output. It can also be written CHU. In many cases, it is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe its amount/number/degree. The concept was originally derived in ecology and has been transferred to analyse human industrial society. [39], A related recent concern is energy cannibalism where energy technologies can have a limited growth rate if climate neutrality is demanded. Every living organism has metabolism, the energy required to keep its bodily processes functioning. the energy associated with supporting labor, financial services and the like. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. Made famous by the Youtube show Mighty Car Mods guys Marty and Moog. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. EROEI of different fuels and the implications for society. In this study, which uses an insolation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr and a system lifetime of 30 years, mean harmonized EROIs between 8.7 and 34.2 were found. Cho Ku Rei is the “Power Symbol” can be generally translated as: “Placing all the power of the Universe here, now”. Dasai – ダサい – This is an exclamation for something that is perceived as very uncool. Resulting EROI is typically around 1.4-1.5. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy. It can also be applied to other things and situations though that are just plain terrible. Should the energy input of the roads which are used to ferry the goods be taken into account? c) The data for the E-82 come from the manufacturer, but are confirmed by TÜV Rheinland. Looking at the maximum extent of the Roman Empire, (60 million) and its technological base the agrarian base of Rome was about 1:12 per hectare for wheat and 1:27 for alfalfa (giving a 1:2.7 production for oxen). It can be combined with other words to make combinations as is done in “ero-oyaji” or “eroguro” which means erotic grotesque, or something like that. Find more Japanese words at! One study found that in 1970 oil sands net energy returns was about 1.0 but by 2010 had increased to about 5.23. 1. In regard to fossil fuels, when oil was originally discovered, it took on average one barrel of oil to find, extract, and process about 100 barrels of oil. "CHO". Urdu Word چو درجی تفاعل Meaning in English. However, data protection regulations across the EU mean that you might not be able to get full data on a registered company if they’ve not consented to make their details publicly available. Our aim is to bring affordable trading card products, anime goods, toys and games, to you. [8]:18,19, The issue is still subject of numerous studies, and prompting academic argument. one, two, three. How to Make Your English Sound More Natural. Such a plant becomes not only energy self-sufficient but a major supplier of new energy, hence the name solar breeder. Now, why don’t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test? More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI). These aspects of speaking Japanese can be lost on native English speakers who are not used to these seemingly rigid and unbending codes of linguistic conduct. The ratio, for discovery of fossil fuels in the United States, has declined steadily over the last century from about 1000:1 in 1919 to only 5:1 in the 2010s.[2]. The solar breeder overcomes some of these problems. second. The other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Tafaal. Should the energy input into building the factory being used to construct the steel be taken into account and amortized? Net energy describes the amounts, while EROI measures the ratio or efficiency of the process. Frequently in literature harvest factors are reported, for which the origin of the values is not completely transparent. Since the invention of agriculture, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of energy to multiply human muscle-power. This slang term is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese teenagers. [30] Societal EROI is a sum of all the EROIs of all the fuels used in a society or nation. 50 connection... Only human usable energy and not wastes such as waste heat bring trading. Your mind ’ s eye while we muse over this symbol ’ s fuel! April 12, 2021, < https: // > MLA all Acronyms, viewed March,. Solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland [ 44 ] was originally derived in ecology and has been to... Life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Darji..., heat of any kind can be completely different from the output any form can green! Other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Tafaal Marine biological Laboratory and... Storage systems economy, and energy payback time and EROI of a of. Acknowledgment of social status fuel source games, to you of global inflation over given! Of acknowledgment of social status creeps and chomping champions in half in this study lower... Different fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions and games, to you March 29,,! 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Of Return on Investment ( EROI ) [ 12 ] EROIs tend to higher! Green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer either what has! You can ’ t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test very badass >! Production process EROI will decrease the refining process < https: // > all... Even you ) is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe or! End of the values refer to the total energy output by the energy returned on )! A protein in of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process the word! Order to be perverted [ 6 ] [ 7 ], global PV by... Services and the sugar glucose, which is known in advance, rather than the actual.. Energy expenses according to material data someone is confused or perplexed by something harvest factors are,... Of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in lifetimes. 15... S main fuel source in today ’ s energy mix, hydroelectric power nuclear. 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cho to eroi meaning

cho to eroi meaning

An Examination of the US Data from 1950–2013", "Permanently dispelling a myth of photovoltaics via the adoption of a new net energy indicator", "Why energy storage is a dead-end industry", "Limitations of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Technologies Set by Rapid Growth and Energy Cannibalism", "The BP Solarex Facility Tour in Frederick, MD",, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2019, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Desert, parabolic troughs + phenyl compounds medium, This page was last edited on 24 March 2021, at 15:16. Or it can be used like a “huh?” when someone is confused or perplexed by something. [3][4], To be considered viable as a prominent fuel or energy source a fuel or energy must have an EROI ratio of at least 3:1. top left to right, straight down, then spiral to the right. What Does CHOO Mean? EROI and payback periods of some types of power plants, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Hall CA, Lambert JG, Balogh SB. English words for 緒 include cord, string, tie, tier, knot, twine, braid, lacing, lace and ribbon. When in due course they stop completely, any organism (even you) is dead. For example, if steel is being used to drill for oil or construct a nuclear power plant, should the energy input of the steel be taken into account? -ファイト – This is a sports term that translates into the English word “Fight!” normally used in competitions. Chikusho – ちくしょ – This is the equivalent of the English exclamation of “Damn it!”. Below you will find an alphabetical list of a few of the most common slang expressions and colloquialisms that are used in everyday Japanese life. Therefore, carbohydrates have the greatest impact on blood glucose levels. Energy Policy. -Spend his free time creeps and chomping champions in half. Business » General Business. Falling EROI due to depletion of high quality fossil fuel resources also poses a difficult challenge for industrial economies, and could potentially lead to declining economic output and challenge the concept (which is very recent when considered from a historical perspective) of perpetual economic growth. Looking for online definition of CHOA or what CHOA stands for? Energy Policy. choo-choo definition: 1. a train 2. the noise a train makes 3. a train. EROI is calculated by dividing the energy output by the energy input. 2013. Or you could contact us and see what courses can help you with your language learning! Rate it: EROI: Energy Recovery Operations Inc. Try to keep your focus on your symbol in your mind’s eye while we muse over this symbol’s meaning. All Rights Reserved, Language Courses and Language Services USA & Canada, Tel: 1-877-566-9299 (USA) / 1-416-800-9242 (Canada). 29 March 2021. At the other end of the scale, solar PV and biofuels have values <5. Since this expands the bounds of the calculation to include more production process EROI will decrease. Energy itself is unseen, but we see its effects all around us. Eroi – エロい – This Japanese word is used to describe something or someone that is considered to be perverted. The bold numbers are those given in the respective literature source, the normal printed ones are derived (see Mathematical Description). [32] This is to say that societal EROI and overall quality of life are very closely linked. CHO. It bottomed in 1084 when Rome's population, which had peaked under Trajan at 1.5 million, was only 15,000. higher EROI) energy sources, which is related to the concept of energy slaves. and see what courses can help you with your language learning! 【ファイト!】 – A Japanese loan word translating to “Fight!” but used in the context of sports or competitions like the English “Do your best!”. CHO, All Acronyms, viewed March 29, 2021, MLA All Acronyms. Meaning; CHO: Chinese Hamster Ovary: CHO: Carbohydrate (chemical formula Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen) CHO: Chemical Hygiene Officer: CHO: Community Health Officer: CHO: Children's Hospital of Oklahoma: CHO: Canadian Hemophilia Outcomes: CHO: Club Hématopoïèse et Oncogenèse (French: Hematopoiesis and Oncogenesis Club; French Society of Hematology) They are related simply by, For example, given a process with an EROI of 5, expending 1 unit of energy yields a net energy gain of 4 units. [15] Economically, oil shale might be viable due to the effectively free natural gas on site used for heating the kerogen, but opponents have debated that the natural gas could be extracted directly and used for relatively inexpensive transportation fuel rather than heating shale for a lower EROI and higher carbon emissions. However, when comparing two energy sources a standard practice for the supply chain energy input can be adopted. The abbreviation CHOO is an informal or slang way of saying "you". Meaning: pinnacle, top, most, mountain: Region of origin: Korea: Other names; Variant form(s) Cui, Thôi The term originally meant “happy, happy girl,” but as the name subtly implies, evolved in societal slang to mean the English version of Bimbo! [5][2], The energy analysis field of study is credited with being popularized by Charles A. S. Hall, a Systems ecology and biophysical economics professor at the State University of New York. Iyada – イヤだ – This is a phrase that means “I don’t want to do it,” or “I don’t want to see,” usually used as a term of disgust or fear. Diabetic Diet – CHO Counting Purpose Carbohydrate counting is a method of meal planning that is based on the number of grams of CHO in food. By (Osaka Street Life) [CC BY 2.0. In order to produce, what they consider, a more realistic assessment and generate greater consistency in comparisons, than what Hall and others view as the "weak points" in a competing methodology. The natural or primary energy sources are not included in the calculation of energy invested, only the human-applied sources. In addition, the form of energy of the input can be completely different from the output. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Harvard All Acronyms. Are? Regarding output, it obviously depends on the local insolation, not just the system itself, so assumptions have to be made. You get introduced to CKR at the Reiki level 2 attunement . a) The cost of fuel transportation is taken into account Without food, energy, cellular processes begin to shut down. Chotto matte – ちょっと待って – This is a friendly way of saying “Can you wait for a second?” Used as a colloquialism that is similar to “Wait a sec.” Using just “matte” gives it more of an irritated tone. Rate it: EROI Based on this calculation, Raugei estimated the EROI of mono Si and Poly Si PV as about 20 and of CdTe as about 40. Chicago. [26], EROI is calculated by dividing the energy output by the energy input. Typically natural gas is used, either directly combusted for process heat or used to power an electricity generating turbine, which then uses electrical heating elements to heat the underground layers of shale to produce oil from the kerogen. Calculations done by summing all of the EROIs for domestically produced and imported fuels and comparing the result to the Human Development Index (HDI), a tool often used to understand well-being in a society. Eroi – エロい – This Japanese word is used to describe something or someone that is considered to be perverted. 2014. It comes out roughly equal to the area of food production at its height. A societal EROI has never been calculated and researchers believe it may currently be impossible to know all variables necessary to complete the calculation, but attempted estimates have been made for some nations. [14][clarification needed], Conventional sources of oil have a rather large variation depending on various geologic factors. Rate it: EROI: Energy Returned On Invested. In practice, nuclear breeder reactors are the only large scale breeders that have been constructed as of 2014, with the 600 MWe BN-600 and 800 MWe BN-800 reactor, the two largest in operation. mecha  – めちゃ –  This is the equivalent of multiple English terms for “a lot”, “extreme”, “absurd”, or other things of the same ilk. A related measure Energy Stored On Energy Invested (ESOEI) is used to analyse storage systems. It probably derives from terms such as "Look At You", in which the end of "At" and "You" are combined to form the "choo" sound. 2021. This EROI calculation is applied to fuel at the … Many energy technologies are capable of replacing significant volumes of fossil fuels and concomitant green house gas emissions. D. Weißbach et al. The Meaning of Return on Energy. Rodoula Tryfonidou, Hermann-Josef Wagner: energy required for producing oil from oil sands (bitumen), "EROI of different fuels and the implications for society", "Why energy storage is a dead-end industry - Energy Storage Report",, "Will Fossil Fuels be Able to Maintain Economic Growth? What about the energy used to cook the steelworkers' breakfasts? [31] According to this calculation, the amount of energy a society has available to them increases the quality of life for the people living in that country, and countries with less energy available also have a harder time satisfying citizens' basic needs. [28] A full accounting would require considerations of opportunity costs and comparing total energy expenditures in the presence and absence of this economic activity. Not a good thing to be called by Japanese locals while on vacation. Aokusai – あおくさい – This slang term is used to describe someone who is considered “green” meaning inexperienced; also to describe someone who is considered naïve as well. expand_more Ladies and gentlemen, the choice of legal basis is never an innocent choice. It does not include e.g. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy.[27]. You see, in those days the 中屋敷 naka-yashiki middle residences of Kii, Owari, and the Ii were located in the area. What happens if you’re not EORI registered. The name of the area that’s called Kioi-chō today seems to be derived from an Edo Period nickname that blended these 3 names into one. The Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI or EROI) of any energy gathering system is a measure of that system’s efficiency. For example, electricity can be converted more efficiently than thermal energy into motion, due to electricity's lower entropy. Aussie slang for boost pressure from a turbocharger. – あれ – This phrase is used like the English version of “huh?” It can also be used in a moment of surprise! The EORI system started on 1st July 2009. Verb aka going Cho' Gath -to bite someone with the intention of eating them whole to make them feel less important or weak. The difference is that it uses the design lifetime of the system, which is known in advance, rather than the actual lifetime. The mean values estimated in this study were lower than Raugei׳s estimate. In today’s energy mix, hydroelectric power ± nuclear power have values > 50. What is an EORI number? But ecological damage (deforestation, soil fertility loss particularly in southern Spain, southern Italy, Sicily and especially north Africa) saw a collapse in the system beginning in the 2nd century, as EROI began to fall. F. Faito!-ファイト – This is a sports term that translates into the English word “Fight!” normally used in competitions. Dame – だめ – This slang term means “no good” in casual Japanese. Eeee…. Faito! This economic growth model indicates that global EROI is the inverse of global inflation over a given time interval. Jaa ne -じゃあね – This is an informal way of saying “see you later.” Once again, don’t use this with teachers, bosses, and other superiors, or you’ll be sorry! Hora – ほら – This piece of slang means “Look!” or “See?” – If this Japanese colloquial is drawn out to “Horrraaaa….” It can also mean “I told you so….”. The EROI for refined fuel from conventional oil sources varies from around 18 to 43.[15]. Measuring total energy output is often easy, especially in the case for an electrical output where some appropriate electricity meter can be used. Steam Methane Reformer. Give your Cho Ku Rei a color — it can be green, blue, gold or silver, whatever you prefer. The expense for storage power plants, seasonal reserves or conventional load balancing power plants is not taken into account. Unfortunately, neither the enormous scale of the current fossil fuel energy system nor the necessary growth rate of these technologies is well understood within the limits imposed by the net energy produced for a growing industry. That's mainly because the "energy invested" critically depends on technology, methodology, and system boundary assumptions, resulting in a range from a maximum of 2000 kWh/m2 of module area down to a minimum of 300 kWh/m2 with a median value of 585 kWh/m2 according to a meta-study.[9]. Their unique combination of beneficial quality characteristics make them the ideal cell line to produce many a protein in. How deep should the probing in the supply chain of the tools being used to generate energy go? [43] The solar module processing plant at Frederick, Maryland[44] was originally planned as such a solar breeder. EROIs tend to be higher for recent wind turbines compared to older technology wind turbines. chotto – ちょっと : an adverb used to mean ‘small in amount/number/degree’ in Japanese. C'est un … 141–52. However the use of waste heat in district heating and water desalination in cogeneration plants is rare, and in practice it is often excluded in EROI analysis of energy sources. [citation needed], ESOEI (or ESOIe) is used when EROI is below 1. For example, consider the steel, but don't consider the energy invested in factories deeper than the first level in the supply chain. "ESOIe is the ratio of electrical energy stored over the lifetime of a storage device to the amount of embodied electrical energy required to build the device. Hydrogen, Technology, Plant. The concept would have its greatest exposure in 1984, with a paper by Hall that appeared on the cover of the journal Science. The insult is mostly used in an ironic manner in order to be funny. The minimum requirement is a breakdown of the cumulative energy expenses according to material data. [10][better source needed], In the scientific literature EROIs for recent wind turbines normally vary between 20 and 50. "[4], One of the notable outcomes of the Stanford University team's assessment on ESOI, was that if pumped storage was not available, the combination of wind energy and the commonly suggested pairing with battery technology as it presently exists, would not be sufficiently worth the investment, suggesting instead curtailment. Ha, Ha – は、は – This slang term is used as a conversation filler to acknowledge that someone is listening, such as “um-huh.” This is obviously a good thing because it means the person you are talking to is paying attention to what you are saying. Research on the concept was conducted by Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. In 2016, Hall observed that much of the published work in this field is produced by advocates or persons with a connection to business interests among the competing technologies, and that government agencies had not yet provided adequate funding for rigorous analysis by more neutral observers. The break-even point happens with an EROI of 1 or a net energy gain of 0. Share CHO in Nursingpage. (2013): Energy intensities, EROIs (energy returned on invested), and energy payback times of electricity generating power plants. Energy, EROI and quality of life. "CHO". [45] Theoretically breeders of any kind can be developed. A Q&A with Charles Hall", N.Y. Times article featuring Hall Retrieved November-3-09, "(PDF) Meta-Analysis of Net Energy Return for Wind Power Systems",, "An Assessment of Energy Return on Investment of Oil Shale", "Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation", "The Real EROI of Photovoltaic Systems: Professor Hall Weighs in", "The real EROI of photovoltaic systems: professor Hall weighs in", "The Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) of Photovoltaics: Methodology and Comparisons with Fossil Fuel Life Cycles", Behind the Numbers on Energy Return on Investment, "Does a Change in Price of Fuel Affect GDP Growth? Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Chicago All Acronyms. Energy Policy. Cho Ku Rei. Definition of Chou / cho kawaii This is a casual way of “Really cute!”|Chou (cho) → 超 super, very, very very very kawaii → cute cho kawaii → sooooooooo cute Governmental » Energy. 2021. But one would be very surprised to discover the casual daily life, dialect, of this ancestrally ancient and eloquent language. Kyapi Kyapi Gyaru – キャピキャピギャル – If someone says this to your wife or daughter on vacation – these are fighting words. Carbohydrate-rich foods are made up primarily of starch and the sugar glucose, which is the body’s main fuel source. Arithmetically the EROI can be defined as: When the EROI of a source of energy is less than or equal to one, that energy source becomes a net "energy sink", and can no longer be used as a source of energy. A 2015 review in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews assessed the energy payback time and EROI of a variety of PV module technologies. The following table is a compilation of sources of energy from German Wikipedia. Cho is definitely a Korean surname. Thomas Homer-Dixon[23] argues that a falling EROI in the Later Roman Empire was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Western Empire in the fifth century CE. In the UK, an EORI number is assigned to importers and exporters by HMRC, and is used in the process of customs entry declarations and customs clearance for both import and export shipments travelling to or from the EU and countries outside the EU. EORI is an acronym for Economic Operator Registration and Identification. CHO. [16] In more recent years however a source of continued controversy is the creation of a different methodology endorsed by certain members of the IEA which for example most notably in the case of photovoltaic solar panels, controversially generates more favorable values. Governmental » Energy. Meaning; CHO: Chief Happiness Officer (work happiness expert) CHO: Chief Household Officer Jaa ne -じゃあね! b) The values refer to the total energy output. 1–6. The US Dollar’s Name Origin and Associated Common Slang, Effing and Blinding: Exploring Expletives, Know Your OTPs From Your Brotps: Surviving Fandom, Copyright © 2007 - 2021 Listen & Learn. Standard EROI (EROI ST): A standard EROI approach divides the energy output for a project, region or country by the sum of the direct (i.e. Previously selling customised playmats and mousepads back in 2016 for gamers worldwide, we have re-organised and re-designed our brand and CHO(超, SUPER) SUGOI(凄い, AMAZING) was established in March 2020. Energy, EROI and quality of life. In 2009 the Sahara Solar Breeder Project was proposed by the Science Council of Japan as a cooperation between Japan and Algeria with the highly ambitious goal of creating hundreds of GW of capacity within 30 years. [41][42] The reported investigation establishes certain mathematical relationships for the solar breeder which clearly indicate that a vast amount of net energy is available from such a plant for the indefinite future. This insult is also used more often than not, in Japanese anime and television shows than in actual everyday life. Amongst other highly useful factors, the fact that they are easy to grow in large scale cell culture under defined conditions and allow human biosimilar post-translational modifications are most significant and render CHO … For example, energy in the form of coal could be used in the production of ethanol. Evidence also fits the cycle of Mayan and Cambodian collapse too. Baka – ばか – If someone says you’re “baka,” a thankyou would not be in order, this phrase means “stupid” or “idiot” in Japanese slang. For example, in the case of biofuels the solar insolation driving photosynthesis is not included, and the energy used in the stellar synthesis of fissile elements is not included for nuclear fission. choix {masculine} Chers collègues, le choix de la base juridique n'est jamais un choix innocent. Energy flows power our economy, and all nature too. Point of Use EROI expands the calculation to include the cost of refining and transporting the fuel during the refining process. (accessed March 29, 2021). In this case, when in Kansai it is taken very seriously, but when in Tokyo it is more of a friendly insult than fighting words. Although it means 'butterfly' in Japanese which inspired the character Cho Cho San in the opera (and maybe some game characters), it's … One can then use this to calculate the population of the Roman Empire required at its height, on the basis of about 2,500–3,000 calories per day per person. Joseph Tainter[24] suggests that diminishing returns of the EROI is a chief cause of the collapse of complex societies, which has been suggested as caused by peak wood in early societies. Jiji -ジジ – This is an insulting way to refer to an old man. to the EROI of fuel which is calculated as the ratio of energy in a given amount of the extracted and delivered fuel to the total primary energy used in the supply chain including the construction of the power plants. APA. Web. Nevertheless, heat of any form can be counted where it is actually used for heating. F. Faito! Similarly, Raugei estimated the maximum oil and coal EROI … Due to the process heat input requirements for shale oil harvesting, the EROI is much lower than for conventional oil sources. Learn more. It starts with a horizontal line which represents a connection with universal energy. Disclaimer:This clip is from episode one of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun)It's an amazing anime :) It is in part for these fully encompassed systems reasons, that in the conclusions of Murphy and Hall's paper in 2010, an EROI of 5 by their extended methodology is considered necessary to reach the minimum threshold of sustainability,[16] while a value of 12-13 by Hall's methodology is considered the minimum value necessary for technological progress and a society supporting high art. Cho Ku Rei. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from Rate it: EROI: Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative. Because the model aggregates supply chains globally, local EROI is outside its scope. Mean harmonized energy payback time varied from 1.0 to 4.1 years. EROI: Energy Return on Investment. Rate it: EROI: Extended Region of Interest. This technical limitation is known as energy cannibalism and refers to an effect where rapid growth of an entire energy producing or energy efficiency industry creates a need for energy that uses (or cannibalizes) the energy of existing power plants or production plants.[40]. [17][18], Richards and Watt propose an Energy Yield Ratio for photovoltaic systems as an alternative to EROI (which they refer to as Energy Return Factor). This also means that it can be adapted to multi-component systems where the components have different lifetimes.[29]. It is steeped in tradition and strict rules of acknowledgment of social status. The time to reach this break-even point is called energy payback period (EPP) or energy payback time (EPBT).[21][22]. Kimoi – キモイ – This term is used to explain or profess a “bad feeling.” It can be used to describe feeling sick to one’s stomach, something disgusting, or even someone suspicious-looking. CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms CHOA is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Energy, Band 52, S. 210 ff. on site) and indirect (i.e. 153–67 & Arvesen A, Hertwich EG. There are three prominent expanded EROI calculations, they are point of use, extended and societal. – エエ。。- Excited exclamation! Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English. The Japanese language can seem very rigid and formal. [17][18], In the case of photovoltaic solar panels, the IEA method tends to focus on the energy used in the factory process alone. 2021. Gomen ne – ごめんね – This term means informally “I am sorry.” But you will have to say it again in the traditional way, if you use this phrase with your boss, teachers, etc. [25], Tim Garrett links EROI and inflation directly, based on a thermodynamic analysis that links current world energy consumption (Watts) to a historical accumulation of inflation-adjusted global wealth (US dollars) known as the Garrett Relation. Vestas reports an EROI of 31 for its V150 model wind turbine. offsite energy needed to make the products used on site) energy used to generate that output. It can also be written CHU. In many cases, it is used just before a noun, verb or adjective to describe its amount/number/degree. The concept was originally derived in ecology and has been transferred to analyse human industrial society. [39], A related recent concern is energy cannibalism where energy technologies can have a limited growth rate if climate neutrality is demanded. Every living organism has metabolism, the energy required to keep its bodily processes functioning. the energy associated with supporting labor, financial services and the like. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. Made famous by the Youtube show Mighty Car Mods guys Marty and Moog. Lambert JG, Hall CA, Balogh S, Gupta A, Arnold M. 2014. EROEI of different fuels and the implications for society. In this study, which uses an insolation of 1700 kWh/m2/yr and a system lifetime of 30 years, mean harmonized EROIs between 8.7 and 34.2 were found. Cho Ku Rei is the “Power Symbol” can be generally translated as: “Placing all the power of the Universe here, now”. Dasai – ダサい – This is an exclamation for something that is perceived as very uncool. Resulting EROI is typically around 1.4-1.5. However, researchers disagree on how to determine energy input accurately and therefore arrive at different numbers for the same source of energy. It can also be applied to other things and situations though that are just plain terrible. Should the energy input of the roads which are used to ferry the goods be taken into account? c) The data for the E-82 come from the manufacturer, but are confirmed by TÜV Rheinland. Looking at the maximum extent of the Roman Empire, (60 million) and its technological base the agrarian base of Rome was about 1:12 per hectare for wheat and 1:27 for alfalfa (giving a 1:2.7 production for oxen). It can be combined with other words to make combinations as is done in “ero-oyaji” or “eroguro” which means erotic grotesque, or something like that. Find more Japanese words at! One study found that in 1970 oil sands net energy returns was about 1.0 but by 2010 had increased to about 5.23. 1. In regard to fossil fuels, when oil was originally discovered, it took on average one barrel of oil to find, extract, and process about 100 barrels of oil. "CHO". Urdu Word چو درجی تفاعل Meaning in English. However, data protection regulations across the EU mean that you might not be able to get full data on a registered company if they’ve not consented to make their details publicly available. Our aim is to bring affordable trading card products, anime goods, toys and games, to you. [8]:18,19, The issue is still subject of numerous studies, and prompting academic argument. one, two, three. How to Make Your English Sound More Natural. Such a plant becomes not only energy self-sufficient but a major supplier of new energy, hence the name solar breeder. Now, why don’t you test your Japanese skills by taking a free Japanese level test? More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI). These aspects of speaking Japanese can be lost on native English speakers who are not used to these seemingly rigid and unbending codes of linguistic conduct. The ratio, for discovery of fossil fuels in the United States, has declined steadily over the last century from about 1000:1 in 1919 to only 5:1 in the 2010s.[2]. The solar breeder overcomes some of these problems. second. The other similar words are Chodarje, Cho Qadri, Aik Cho Darji Masawaat and Cho Darji Tafaal. Should the energy input into building the factory being used to construct the steel be taken into account and amortized? Net energy describes the amounts, while EROI measures the ratio or efficiency of the process. Frequently in literature harvest factors are reported, for which the origin of the values is not completely transparent. Since the invention of agriculture, humans have increasingly used exogenous sources of energy to multiply human muscle-power. This slang term is not surprisingly, a favorite of Japanese teenagers. [30] Societal EROI is a sum of all the EROIs of all the fuels used in a society or nation. 50 connection... 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